Jun 8 – 10, 2022
building 30.22 KIT Campus Süd
Europe/Berlin timezone

Massive quark form factors at three loops

Jun 9, 2022, 9:30 AM
Physik-Hörsaal Nr.3 (building 30.22 KIT Campus Süd )

Physik-Hörsaal Nr.3

building 30.22 KIT Campus Süd



Dr Fabian Lange (KIT, TTP + IAP)


I will present our calculation of massive quark form factors at three loops in QCD.
After reducing the Feynman integrals in the amplitudes to master integrals, these were computed by solving differential equations. By constructing expansions around regular as well as singular points and numerical matching, we obtain sufficient precision over the whole kinematic range.

Primary authors

Dr Matteo Fael (KIT, TTP) Dr Fabian Lange (KIT, TTP + IAP) Dr Kay Schönwald (KIT, TTP) Prof. Matthias Steinhauser (KIT, TTP)

Presentation materials