Jun 8 – 10, 2022
building 30.22 KIT Campus Süd
Europe/Berlin timezone

Precise predictions for vector-boson scattering

Jun 10, 2022, 2:30 PM
Physik-Hörsaal Nr.3 (building 30.22 KIT Campus Süd )

Physik-Hörsaal Nr.3

building 30.22 KIT Campus Süd



Ansgar Denner


The scattering of massive electroweak vector bosons allows
for sensitive tests of the mechanism of the electroweak symmetry
breaking. In run 2 of the LHC several of these processes have been
observed, and measurements with higher precision and for polarised
bosons will happen in future runs. In this talk I review the
status of theoretical predictions for vector-boson scattering
processes. I discuss some details of the calculations and a selection
of results. Moreover, the origin of large electroweak and QCD
corrections is explained.

Primary author

Presentation materials