Feb 13 – 16, 2023
Emmy Noether Campus
Europe/Berlin timezone

Computing motives: an approach to irrationality proofs for periods

Feb 15, 2023, 10:00 AM
Emmy Noether Campus

Emmy Noether Campus

ENC-D 114 University of Siegen Walter-Flex-Str. 3 57072 Siegen Germany


Daniel Juteau


Following Francis Brown, I will explain why certain questions in number theory, like irrationality of zeta values, make it desirable to be able to compute some mixed Tate motives of moduli spaces. Then I will explain an algorithm devised by Clément Dupont in his Ph.D. thesis for that purpose, and its implementation in the package MotivesForBiarrangements, which uses CAP (Categories, Algorithms, and Programming), a GAP project developed in Siegen.

Presentation materials