The increasing accuracy of measurements at the LHC requires a transition from NNLO to N3LO in QCD theory predictions. The growing complexity of the IR-divergencies structure at N3LO order requires developing new schemes for treating IR-divergencies. One of the promising solutions is the N-jettiness slicing scheme.
One of the last missing ingredients for applying this scheme at N3LO order is a 0-jettiness soft function defined as phase-space integral with the integration domain constrained by several theta functions.
The complexity of the analytical calculation of the 0-jettiness soft function due to the presence of integrals with theta functions requires the development of new calculation methods.
In this talk, we will discuss the application of modern techniques of multi-loop calculations to integrals with Heaviside theta functions and report recent progress in calculating both triple-real and real-virtual corrections to N3LO zero-jettiness soft-function in QCD.