EBRAINS is a collaborative European Research Infrastructure designed to advance and accelerate progress in neuroscience and brain health. The infrastructure and ecosystem, legacy of the Human Brain Project, allows researchers, clinicians and experts from a broad range of disciples to explore and analyze the brain in its full multi-scale complexity: From the molecular detail, to cellular, to networks and the whole embodied brain.
This talk will provide an overview of EBRAINS’ past and future. The different stages in its development from concept to implantation, complemented with a view on the current phase with EBRAINS on the ESFRI roadmap. Following this, the tools and services will be introduced, organized around a selection of science workflows. Special attention will be given to the usage of AI tools and the mutual beneficial relationship between neuroscience and AI. The talk will finish with a meta-level exploration of potential lessons for long time scale interdisciplinary sciences as learned from the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure development.