Sep 18 – 21, 2018
Cochem (Mosel), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
31st Jul Registration | 31th Aug Early Bird | 15th Oct Papers

Time-resolved SEDs of the variable blazar PKS 1510-089

Sep 18, 2018, 4:55 PM
Cochem (Mosel), Germany

Cochem (Mosel), Germany

Kapuzinerkloster, Klosterberg 5, 56812 Cochem
Oral Theory


Andrea Gokus


Recent detections of coincidences between high-energy neutrinos and blazars in flaring states or outbursts have revived interest in hadronic emission components of blazar SEDs. However, calorimetric arguments demonstrate that only the very brightest and most-frequent flaring sources have a realistic probability of being detected by current neutrino telescopes. Among the brightest blazar flares seen in the sky since the beginning of Fermi-LAT operations in 2008, a dominant fraction has been seen from the flat-spectrum radio quasar PKS 1510-089. Its location in the southern sky favors the detection of putative neutrinos associated with these high-amplitude flares. We analyse and model the time-variable SED of PKS 1510-089 based on Fermi-LAT and multiwavelength data in various states of activities and test for signs of hadronic emission processes.

Primary author


Mr Michael Kreter Prof. Matthias Kadler Dr Roopesh Ohja (NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center) Karl Mannheim (Universitaet Wuerzburg, Germany) Dr Sara Buson Prof. Joern Wilms

Presentation materials