Reinforcement Learning for In-Spill Optimization of the Mu2e Resonant Extraction: Compensating Non-Stationarity

Apr 3, 2025, 2:20 PM


Poster + Talk Talks


Jason St. John (Fermilab)


We present design considerations and challenges for the fast machine learning component of a third-order resonant beam extraction regulation system being commissioned to deliver steady beam rates to the mu2e experiment at Fermilab. Dedicated quadrupoles drive the tune toward the 29/3 resonance each spill, extracting beam at kV multiwire septa. The overall Spill Regulation System consists of (1) a “slow” process using ~100-spill averages to adjust the base quad ramp infrequently, (2) a feedforward harmonic content compensator, and (3) the “fast” ML agent reacting during each ongoing spill with on-the-fly additive corrections to the sum of (1) and (2).

We have demonstrated improved beam-rate steadying for a fast ML agent compared to a PID controller using a quasi-physical spill simulation, and demonstrated distillation of that simulation into a predictive surrogate model. Current work includes a data-and-training pipeline to generate data-aware surrogates with real-world dynamics, even as the dynamics shift unpredictably. The surrogates are to act as RL environments against which to train our fast ML control agents before deploying them on FPGA in the live system. Further current efforts focus on modeling and controlling beam loss around the storage ring, understanding additional available hardware inputs to the model, and the interplay of these with beam-steadying performance.

Primary author

Jason St. John (Fermilab)


Aakaash Narayanan (Fermilab) Andrew Whitbeck (Fermilab) Ben Hawks (Fermilab) Kyle Hazelwood (Fermilan) Maira Khan (Fermilab)

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