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USN-KoM minutes, 10th September 2024
Alessandro Costantini (INFN)
Carol Delmazo (OPERAS)
Lisana Berberi (KIT)
Dusan Vudragovic (University of Belgrade)
Sonja Filipovska (UKIM)
Giuseppe La Rocca (EGI)
Stefan Roiser (EVERSE, CERN)
Luciano Gaido (INFN)
Pavel Weber (KIT)
Isabel Duarte (Univ. of Algarve)
Olivier Rouchon (CNRS)
Giuseppe La Rocca (EGI)
Fernando Aguilar (CSIC)
William Gothlin Illsley (UGOT)
Jitka S. Hansen (DTU/Skills4EOSC)
Mareike Buss (CBS, DK)
Marie Czuray (TU-Wien)
Bernd Saurugger (TU-Wien)
Stefano dal Pra (INFN)
Elisa Monari (ICSC)
Eleonora Napolitano (GARR)
Birgitte Brydsö (HPC2N/Umeå University)
Marco Verlato (INFN)
Sara Di Giorgio (GARR)
Gabriela Torres Ramos (INIST-CNRS)
Iris Alfredsson (Swedish National Data Service)
Mauro Paschetta (Politecnico di Torino)
Lorenzo Rinaldi (Bologna University and INFN)
Nana Anastasopoulou (GRNET)
Evangelia Athanasaki (GRNET)
Vojdan Kjoveziroski (Univ. Skopje, MK)
Arnaud Gingold (OPERAS)
Leonardo Candela (ISTI-CNR)
Betty Evangelinou (GRNET)
Ugo Moschini (IIT)
Mathilde Bernier (CNRS?)
Dimitris Dellis (GRNET)
Achim ?
Theodora Kollia (GRNET)
(The meeting started with 33 participants in total. Reached 35)
We decided not to record the meeting.
Introduction by Alessandro (no questions, so we jumped directly to the presentations)
First presentation by Evangelia Athanasaki : HPC support team in GRNET
Second presentation by Isabel Duarte: Computational BioMedicine
(Alessandro: the level of details you provided, and Evangelia as well, is quite important to have a better idea of what you do. But you are a group, you are leading a group?
Isabel:I am a junior PI. My group is a small research group (3 people). I teach at the university (Open and Reproducible Data Analysis using R) and organize workshops. I am in the Biomedical research facility. They don’t have data stewards. So I provide support, they come to me and I provide advice on how to manage data.
I am on the software development side and data analysis perspective. Not about data, not about computational resources.)
(Lisana – in the notes): I think Isabel should join the DPN (Data Professional Network from WP6) , she does not represent a group (Luciano: not sure about this. Although Isabel’s group is very small, she might benefit from the USN and vice-versa. In the end it will be up to her to decide)
Third presentation by Giuseppe La Rocca: EGI Federation
(Alessandro: having so far a recap on the presentations. We are having a multidisciplinary environment, trying to build what the USN is aimed at providing, multidisciplinary environment)
Fourth presentation by Sonja Filiposka: Open Science Lab @MK
(Alessandro: the expertise and activities are quite interesting as the others. Basically, you said in the last slide that you are defining a new workflow for the use case, or a new use case.
Sonja: Yes, a new workflow, we are not sure it covered everything. So we can get experience from the others here.)
(Lisana – in the notes) Need: get the experience of how a network is built and then transfer them to built a new network in her country; need to know better about business model (SLAs for instance between new customers that are going to request one of the resources they offer with the Lab)
Fifth presentation by Lorenzo Rinaldi: INFN team: open science and data stewards
4 people working in different labs and with different activities but a common goal: promoting open science and supporting research.
(Lisana in the notes: Did I understand correctly that Lorenzo is offering a collaborative environment to share knowledge etc.?)
setting up a repository and curation workflows
(Alessandro: Basically, you have varied and multidisciplinary expertise. Quite well and very good for the aim of the network. INFN – we are not doing jut physics, but many other things.
Lorenzo: computing, stuff, documentation ,data management plan, everything could help doing science and physics better. I think this is the important point. It is a good place to discuss and improve.)
Sixth presentation by Stefano Roiser: EVERSE
(Luciano in the notes: project recently started which has a lot of commonalities with S4E)
Focused on an network for research software ad code excellence
Everse main aim as a project is to build an institution of software excellence. On of the main objective is to offer training on Software Engineering in domain specific or agnostic.
(Luciano in the notes: being this a project, it is different form the others, they have a timeline defined, although supported from the participating partners. Anyway, the best practices they have collected for sw quality may be of interest to the others. Consider a formal collaboration between S4E and EVERSE (in addition to their joining the USN)?
(Alessandro: You are in some way, for your work, is in physics, but EVERSE also embraces other disciplines. The issue in writing the software - Isabel said “yes”. We are trying to find better solutions. What do you expect from the USN?
Stefano: exchange of info, just to learn what people are doing in training for example, engaging with communities, how to sustain the trainings. It would be interesting to create some momentum.
Question from the chat: Mauro Paschetta - Are they somehow linked to Heritage?
Stefano: No, It is another area.
Seventh presentation by Dusan: HPC Serbia
(Jitka in the notes: Mentioned the alignment of open science policies - no others has mentioned this. Could be an interesting topic for a meeting.)
(Alessadro: this experience is important, we are sharing a good range of expertise. We are going to address one of the USN objectives).
Eight presentation by Pavel Weber : Open Science Helpdesk - KIT Germany
(Luciano in the notes: mentioned a service for the EOSC node, this may be an experience interesting to others, not mentioned before)
(Alessandro: The concept behind the EU node is quite interesting. Can you give more info? Is this interdisciplinary?
Pavel Yes. I sent the link for the chat. Home | European Open Science Cloud - EU Node (europa.eu) It is all about integration, communication with different research groups, providers...not focused on some particular activity.
Luciano: it is very interesting, different from the other presentations. Pavel and his group can integrate different groups, here we are proposing tools, techniques, to connect different groups in connecting with EOSC nodes. We should discuss this more in detail offline.This topic, in my opinion, is very helpful to be discussed here in the network, to see the development of the connections.
Pavel: Alessandro, do you plan any platform for the network or just a conceptual level!
Alessandro: that is one of the poinst that we would like to touch in the discussion! Before jumping into this, I prepared some wrap up slides.)
(After the presentations) - DISCUSSION
Alessandro: we need some collaborative tool for the the network. ML can be not enough. We are thinking to try to find a common collaborative tool that can be useful for this initiative. Which one? We are still trying to understand and checking if S4E can support it. We are working on it.
Pavel: the integration of different helpdesk systems is complex but can be useful in the frame of the EOSC EU node, KIT has a lot of experience and can support this
Luciano: What Pavel described can be interesting for a subset for the network. Tools for a specific topic could be implemented if it is useful for some of the members. What we need is a set of tools to communicate and share information among the members of the network. Different levels: generic one and specific ones, they can coexist.
Pavel: there are internal and external discussions, so maybe we also need a tool to communicate with the external world
Luciano: I see your point, but it needs to be discussed. We have to define the topics of interest to address the concerns and expectations of the members, and then later we can think of external channels. But now we should identify the topics of interest first, and the tools for internal interaction. Then, gradually define the actions to put into place.
Alessandro read the question that Lisana put in the chat: Is there any preference on any communication platform (free and open source) you would like to use, like slack, discord etc?
Sonja put in the chat she prefers slack.
Dusan in the chat: We can start with a simple chat (Slack +1), and then, after some time, based on this communication, maybe we will be able to recognize different topics interesting for the community.
Pavel (about the topic above): this initial foundation, the map of activities is important, and later we can see about the EU node, the commonalities.
Alessandro: nothing is written in the stone.
Luciano: in the original idea, there will not be direct support from the network to users. The network would plan activities, join forces to propose new projects (as said today). The implementation of these activities can be facilitated by the discussions in the network. The network is to exchange information, expertise...but the implementation itself is outside of the network.
Alessandro mentioned the ML: usnetwork-contact@lists.skills4eosc.eu
Starting point for the communication in the network.
Alessandro will send a doodle for the next meeting.
Elisa wants to make a presentation about the Italian High-Performance Computing, Big Data e Quantum Computing Research Centre in the next meeting.
Alessandro: good point, we hope to have new presentations of new members.