KSETA Topical Courses October 2024


The next KSETA Topical Courses will be held from October 7 to 18, 2024.

See schedules and rooms in the program. (TBU)

We will inform by Email as soon as the registration is open.

If you are not going to attend any of the courses you have registered for, please modify your registration or send an email to Raquel Lujan.

Please note that you should attend a full course to be included in the KSETA transcript.

    • 1:30 PM 3:00 PM
      The Standard Model Effective Field Theory: theory and phenomenological applications: Part I

      The course will provide an introduction to the basic principles underlying the formulation of Effective Field Theories (EFTs) and a more in-depth presentation of the Standard Model EFT (SMEFT), that is extensively used in searches for new physics signals in high energy experiments.
      It will cover both theoretical and phenomenological aspects of SMEFT, with the aim of equipping students with the knowledge required to interpret SMEFT results and perform simple studies of specific processes.
      The program includes, among other topics, a close look at the SMEFT structure in the electroweak and flavor sectors, a primer on SMEFT predictions at tree level (and 1-loop) and the presentation of a few case studies from Higgs and flavor physics and from global fits. Time permitting, it will also include a short tutorial on Monte Carlo simulations for SMEFT using the SMEFTsim package.

      Convener: Ilaria Brivio
    • 3:15 PM 4:45 PM
      The Standard Model Effective Field Theory: theory and phenomenological applications: Part II

      The course will provide an introduction to the basic principles underlying the formulation of Effective Field Theories (EFTs) and a more in-depth presentation of the Standard Model EFT (SMEFT), that is extensively used in searches for new physics signals in high energy experiments.
      It will cover both theoretical and phenomenological aspects of SMEFT, with the aim of equipping students with the knowledge required to interpret SMEFT results and perform simple studies of specific processes.
      The program includes, among other topics, a close look at the SMEFT structure in the electroweak and flavor sectors, a primer on SMEFT predictions at tree level (and 1-loop) and the presentation of a few case studies from Higgs and flavor physics and from global fits. Time permitting, it will also include a short tutorial on Monte Carlo simulations for SMEFT using the SMEFTsim package.

      Convener: Ilaria Brivio
    • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM
      The Standard Model Effective Field Theory: theory and phenomenological applications: Part III

      The course will provide an introduction to the basic principles underlying the formulation of Effective Field Theories (EFTs) and a more in-depth presentation of the Standard Model EFT (SMEFT), that is extensively used in searches for new physics signals in high energy experiments.
      It will cover both theoretical and phenomenological aspects of SMEFT, with the aim of equipping students with the knowledge required to interpret SMEFT results and perform simple studies of specific processes.
      The program includes, among other topics, a close look at the SMEFT structure in the electroweak and flavor sectors, a primer on SMEFT predictions at tree level (and 1-loop) and the presentation of a few case studies from Higgs and flavor physics and from global fits. Time permitting, it will also include a short tutorial on Monte Carlo simulations for SMEFT using the SMEFTsim package.

      Convener: Ilaria Brivio
    • 10:45 AM 12:15 PM
      The Standard Model Effective Field Theory: theory and phenomenological applications: Part IV

      The course will provide an introduction to the basic principles underlying the formulation of Effective Field Theories (EFTs) and a more in-depth presentation of the Standard Model EFT (SMEFT), that is extensively used in searches for new physics signals in high energy experiments.
      It will cover both theoretical and phenomenological aspects of SMEFT, with the aim of equipping students with the knowledge required to interpret SMEFT results and perform simple studies of specific processes.
      The program includes, among other topics, a close look at the SMEFT structure in the electroweak and flavor sectors, a primer on SMEFT predictions at tree level (and 1-loop) and the presentation of a few case studies from Higgs and flavor physics and from global fits. Time permitting, it will also include a short tutorial on Monte Carlo simulations for SMEFT using the SMEFTsim package.

      Convener: Ilaria Brivio
    • 1:30 PM 3:00 PM
      Dynamics of spacetime: gravitational waves and cosmology: Part I

      General relativity considers spacetime to by a dynamic object. The notion of time-evolving gravitational fields is most prevalent in gravitational waves and cosmological solutions. Observations of spacetime dynamics in these systems is not only possible but gives a glimpse into the fundamental laws of Nature. The course gives an intuitive introduction into the concepts of relativity and discusses observations in cosmology and gravitational waves, giving an outlook on how these experiments impact gravitational physics.

      Convener: Bjoern Malte Schaefer (Uni Heidelberg)
    • 3:15 PM 4:45 PM
      Dynamics of spacetime: gravitational waves and cosmology: Part II

      General relativity considers spacetime to by a dynamic object. The notion of time-evolving gravitational fields is most prevalent in gravitational waves and cosmological solutions. Observations of spacetime dynamics in these systems is not only possible but gives a glimpse into the fundamental laws of Nature. The course gives an intuitive introduction into the concepts of relativity and discusses observations in cosmology and gravitational waves, giving an outlook on how these experiments impact gravitational physics.

      Convener: Bjoern Malte Schaefer (Uni Heidelberg)
    • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM
      Dynamics of spacetime: gravitational waves and cosmology: Part III

      General relativity considers spacetime to by a dynamic object. The notion of time-evolving gravitational fields is most prevalent in gravitational waves and cosmological solutions. Observations of spacetime dynamics in these systems is not only possible but gives a glimpse into the fundamental laws of Nature. The course gives an intuitive introduction into the concepts of relativity and discusses observations in cosmology and gravitational waves, giving an outlook on how these experiments impact gravitational physics.

      Convener: Bjoern Malte Schaefer (Uni Heidelberg)
    • 10:45 AM 12:15 PM
      Dynamics of spacetime: gravitational waves and cosmology: Part IV

      General relativity considers spacetime to by a dynamic object. The notion of time-evolving gravitational fields is most prevalent in gravitational waves and cosmological solutions. Observations of spacetime dynamics in these systems is not only possible but gives a glimpse into the fundamental laws of Nature. The course gives an intuitive introduction into the concepts of relativity and discusses observations in cosmology and gravitational waves, giving an outlook on how these experiments impact gravitational physics.

      Convener: Bjoern Malte Schaefer (Uni Heidelberg)
    • 9:00 AM 5:30 PM
      Scientific Writing: Part I
      Convener: CJ Fitzsimons
    • 9:00 AM 5:30 PM
      Scientific Writing: Part II
      Convener: CJ Fitzsimons
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Ethics in the lab: Part I Zoom


      What is the relation between good and successful research, on the one hand, and ethical and responsible research, on the other hand? This workshop focuses on typical conflicts that particularly early career researchers may face in the context of a publish-or-perish culture: Is it okay for me to ignore and leave out statistical “outliers” when presenting my research data in case they impact the overall results more than I would like? Is such data “massaging” already scientific misconduct? How transparent must research practice be, when at the same time one has to succeed in the competitive world of scientific research? How to respond when you notice academic misconduct by a colleague? How should you handle problematic expectations of your supervisor?

      In this workshop, however, we not only want to explain that these areas of conflict exist, but above all provide tools that can help you make your own decisions. We will do this by discussing realistic cases and using these cases to illustrate how easy it is to overlook important things and thus unintentionally overstep boundaries. In this way, participants can acquire the skills they need to recognise and avoid scientific misconduct. The workshop provides general skills and knowledge of research ethics needed for scientists to address the questions raised above. Participants attain the skills to rationally reflect on their role as a scientist from an ethical standpoint, including the specific expectations that role involves in a broader social context.

      The workshop will show that successful research goes hand in hand with ethical and responsible research.

      Convener: Alexander Bagattini
    • 1:30 PM 3:00 PM
      Brane Dynamics: Part I

      We will characterize the motion of p-branes (p-dimensional manifolds embedded in an ambient space). We will make use of differential geometry and theory of elasticity to construct a Lagrangian formalism that will allow us to study the dynamics of the system. We will review equilibrium configurations and introduce the concept of D-branes to study the propagation of waves on the brane. We will then consider the interaction between a charged p-brane and an external gauge field, closing our discussion with the quantization of brane dynamics.

      Convener: Marco Bonetti (ITP IAP KIT)
    • 3:15 PM 4:45 PM
      Brane Dynamics: Part II

      We will characterize the motion of p-branes (p-dimensional manifolds embedded in an ambient space). We will make use of differential geometry and theory of elasticity to construct a Lagrangian formalism that will allow us to study the dynamics of the system. We will review equilibrium configurations and introduce the concept of D-branes to study the propagation of waves on the brane. We will then consider the interaction between a charged p-brane and an external gauge field, closing our discussion with the quantization of brane dynamics.

      Convener: Marco Bonetti (ITP IAP KIT)
    • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM
      Electroweak symmetry breaking and physics of extended Higgs sectors: Part I

      In these lectures the current understanding of the underlying nature of electroweak symmetry breaking will be summarised and the most pressing open questions will be discussed. In this context in particular the exploration of the Higgs potential and possible implications of extended Higgs sectors will be
      addressed. The interplay between Higgs physics and measurements and searches at particle colliders, the thermal evolution of the early universe giving rise to the electroweak phase transition, and possible signals at future gravitational
      wave observatories will be explained.

      Convener: Georg Weiglein
    • 9:00 AM 11:30 AM
      Introduction and practical exercises: Detection of ionizing radiation: Part I

      The aim of this one-day course is an introduction to radiation measurement technology with various detectors, the handling of radioactive sources, the experimental detection of ionizing radiation in the laboratory, as well as the analysis and interpretation of the measurements. The measurements take place in the nuclear physics laboratory of the internship for master's students in physics with the equipment used there.

      Convener: Joachim Wolf (KIT - ETP)
    • 10:45 AM 12:15 PM
      Electroweak symmetry breaking and physics of extended Higgs sectors: Part II

      In these lectures the current understanding of the underlying nature of electroweak symmetry breaking will be summarised and the most pressing open questions will be discussed. In this context in particular the exploration of the Higgs potential and possible implications of extended Higgs sectors will be
      addressed. The interplay between Higgs physics and measurements and searches at particle colliders, the thermal evolution of the early universe giving rise to the electroweak phase transition, and possible signals at future gravitational
      wave observatories will be explained.

      Convener: Georg Weiglein
    • 1:00 PM 5:00 PM
      Introduction and practical exercises: Detection of ionizing radiation: Part II

      The aim of this one-day course is an introduction to radiation measurement technology with various detectors, the handling of radioactive sources, the experimental detection of ionizing radiation in the laboratory, as well as the analysis and interpretation of the measurements. The measurements take place in the nuclear physics laboratory of the internship for master's students in physics with the equipment used there.

      Convener: Joachim Wolf (KIT - ETP)
    • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM
      Electroweak symmetry breaking and physics of extended Higgs sectors: Part III

      In these lectures the current understanding of the underlying nature of electroweak symmetry breaking will be summarised and the most pressing open questions will be discussed. In this context in particular the exploration of the Higgs potential and possible implications of extended Higgs sectors will be
      addressed. The interplay between Higgs physics and measurements and searches at particle colliders, the thermal evolution of the early universe giving rise to the electroweak phase transition, and possible signals at future gravitational
      wave observatories will be explained.

      Convener: Georg Weiglein
    • 10:45 AM 12:15 PM
      Electroweak symmetry breaking and physics of extended Higgs sectors: Part IV

      In these lectures the current understanding of the underlying nature of electroweak symmetry breaking will be summarised and the most pressing open questions will be discussed. In this context in particular the exploration of the Higgs potential and possible implications of extended Higgs sectors will be
      addressed. The interplay between Higgs physics and measurements and searches at particle colliders, the thermal evolution of the early universe giving rise to the electroweak phase transition, and possible signals at future gravitational
      wave observatories will be explained.

      Convener: Georg Weiglein
    • 1:30 PM 3:00 PM
      Brane Dynamics: Part III

      We will characterize the motion of p-branes (p-dimensional manifolds embedded in an ambient space). We will make use of differential geometry and theory of elasticity to construct a Lagrangian formalism that will allow us to study the dynamics of the system. We will review equilibrium configurations and introduce the concept of D-branes to study the propagation of waves on the brane. We will then consider the interaction between a charged p-brane and an external gauge field, closing our discussion with the quantization of brane dynamics.

      Convener: Marco Bonetti (ITP IAP KIT)
    • 3:15 PM 4:45 PM
      Brane Dynamics: Part IV

      We will characterize the motion of p-branes (p-dimensional manifolds embedded in an ambient space). We will make use of differential geometry and theory of elasticity to construct a Lagrangian formalism that will allow us to study the dynamics of the system. We will review equilibrium configurations and introduce the concept of D-branes to study the propagation of waves on the brane. We will then consider the interaction between a charged p-brane and an external gauge field, closing our discussion with the quantization of brane dynamics.

      Convener: Marco Bonetti (ITP IAP KIT)
    • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM
      Acceleration and transport of galactic cosmic rays: Part I


      Convener: Philipp Mertsch
    • 10:45 AM 12:15 PM
      Acceleration and transport of galactic cosmic rays: Part II


      Convener: Philipp Mertsch
    • 1:30 PM 3:00 PM
      Brane Dynamics: Part V

      We will characterize the motion of p-branes (p-dimensional manifolds embedded in an ambient space). We will make use of differential geometry and theory of elasticity to construct a Lagrangian formalism that will allow us to study the dynamics of the system. We will review equilibrium configurations and introduce the concept of D-branes to study the propagation of waves on the brane. We will then consider the interaction between a charged p-brane and an external gauge field, closing our discussion with the quantization of brane dynamics.

      Convener: Marco Bonetti (ITP IAP KIT)
    • 3:15 PM 4:45 PM
      Brane Dynamics: Part VI

      We will characterize the motion of p-branes (p-dimensional manifolds embedded in an ambient space). We will make use of differential geometry and theory of elasticity to construct a Lagrangian formalism that will allow us to study the dynamics of the system. We will review equilibrium configurations and introduce the concept of D-branes to study the propagation of waves on the brane. We will then consider the interaction between a charged p-brane and an external gauge field, closing our discussion with the quantization of brane dynamics.

      Convener: Marco Bonetti (ITP IAP KIT)
    • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM
      Acceleration and transport of galactic cosmic rays: Part III


      Convener: Philipp Mertsch
    • 10:45 AM 12:15 PM
      Acceleration and transport of galactic cosmic rays: Part IV


      Convener: Philipp Mertsch