Hadoop for beginners

Not scheduled
Big Data and Storage Systems


Kathrin Spreyer (inovex GmbH)


In the last couple of years Hadoop established itself as the de facto standard for dealing with large and very large datasets. However, Hadoop does introduce quite a lot of challenges for developers with a background of classical data analytics. One example is handling raw data (e.g., logfiles) which works quite differently in Hadoop than in classical, data warehouse focused architectures. Another example is developing MapReduce jobs, which differs from standard object-oriented or procedural paradigms. In addition to this, Hadoop has grown from a "simple" MapReduce tool to a complex ecosystem of technologies, covering a large variety of use cases: from distributed storage, data exploration and data analysis to automatic classification and prediction. This course covers Hadoop MapReduce and HDFS in great detail and enables the participants to be able to develop complex MapReduce algorithms on their own. The resulting in-depth understanding of the architecture allows for easier evaluation and selection of appropriate tools from the Hadoop ecosystem in future projects. Prerequisites: basic knowledge of Java

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