
GridKa School "Big Data, Cloud Computing and Modern Programming"

The International GridKa School "Big Data, Cloud Computing and Modern Programming" is one of the leading summer schools for advanced computing techniques in Europe. The school provides a forum for scientists and technology leaders, experts and novices to facilitate knowledge sharing and information exchange.The target audience are different groups like graduate and PhD students, advanced users as well as IT administrators. GridKa School is hosted by Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). It is organized by KIT and the HGF Alliance "Physics at the Terascale".

This year we have prepared exciting program which includes the most interesting topics from last year and inroduces new ones. Main topics of the school this year are:

  • Big data analysis and large scale data management 
  • Storage technologies
  • Data mining
  • Databases (SQL and NoSQL)
  • Cloud services and applications
  • Cloud installation and administration
  • Multi-core computing 
  • Development of mobile applications
  • Advanced programming
  • GPU computing
  • Automation and configuration management
  • Robotics & artificial intelligence
  • Security & attack vectors

Half of the school consists of the expert talks, which cover the fundamental and theoretical aspects of the topics. While the other half consists of the hands-on sessions and workshops, which give the participants the excellent chance to gain the practical experience on techniques and tools.

If you are interested in following the development of latest cloud and big data technologies, if you would like to gain the real practical experience on the cutting edge technologies and toos during the hands on sessions and bring this know-how to your group, institute or company, if you would like to meet many experts and interesting people you could informally talk to, extend your professional network, then GridKa School is your choice.