Configuration Management with Puppet

Not scheduled
Cloud Computing


Ben Dylan Jones (CERN) Sven Sternberger (DESY)Dr Yves Kemp (DESY)


Puppet is a configuration management tool adopted by many institutions in academia and industry of different size.Puppet can be used to configure many different operating systems and applications. Puppet integrates well with other tools e.g. Foreman, MCollective, ... The workshop will feature a hands-on tutorial on Puppet allowing users to write simple manifests themselves and managing them using Git.A selection of useful tools around Puppet will be presented. Basic knowledge of the Linux operating system is required. The detailed agenda for the course is following: 1st day: Introduction to Git Setup & technical infrastructure Explanation for the setup of the infrastructure, login to the machines Write manifests Puppet language, resource types, modules, etc. 2nd day: Leftovers from previous day, and/or some more advanced configuration Series of small presentations and walk-throughs: Hiera, Facter, Foreman, MCollective, GitLab, ... Prerequisites: Attendants should familiarize themselves with a Linux terminal and the peculiarities of a Linux text editor (vi, emacs etc.). No knowledge of Puppet or Git is required.

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