Hadoop Workshop

Not scheduled
Big Data and Storage Systems


Mirko Kämpf (Cloudera)


Usage of Apache Hadoop in large scale Data Analysis Projects are on the way to become mainstream. But what are the required skills and how do I start with an Apache Hadoop project? The workshop shows and compares several aspects which should be considered in the beginning of large projects. How do I start with a POC and how works this: "scale out"? What data is stored how and how do I access data in my Hadoop cluster? What programming skills are required and what are the processing paradigms I should know in the beginning? Such questions are discussed and possible solutions are presented during this interactive hands on session. The example use case is a data driven market study, which combines social media, time series data, and network analysis in one project. Participants will receive a download link for the latest Workshop-VM and a preparation survey two weeks before the workshop.

Presentation materials

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