Indico maintenance tomorrow 21.1.2025 from 9-10 am

Aug 26 – 30, 2019
KIT, Campus North, FTU
Europe/Berlin timezone

Attendee Help

Here we collect all infos which will help you to prepare & attend the GridKa School successfully.


The infosheet covers detailed information about GridKa School and will be provided a short time before the event.

Preparation for the sessions


  • Be sure that you have a working laptop with WLAN adapter, which you will need for all courses.
  • For most of the session it is preferable to have Linux distribution on your laptop. The best choice would be to have dual a Windows/Linux system on your laptop.


  • Many sessions of the school will need additional preparation in advance (like installation of predefined software, libraries) to make it possible to concentrate on the topic of the session and maximize the learning effect instead of waiting for installation process to be finished.
  • 1-2 weeks before the start of the school the details of the software you will need to install will appear on school pages.