Oct 28 – 31, 2014
Waldhotel Zollernblick
Europe/Berlin timezone

Lepton Flavor Violation in the SM with general Dimension-6 Operators

Oct 31, 2014, 12:30 PM
Waldhotel Zollernblick

Waldhotel Zollernblick

Am Zollernblick 1 72250 Freudenstadt - Lauterbad http://www.zollernblick-lauterbad.de/


Ms Saereh Najjari (University of Warsaw)


I will talk about lepton flavor observables in the charged lepton sector in the general extension of the Standard Model, where possible New Physics effects are parametrized by the dimension-5 and -6 operators constructed from the SM fields. I will discuss the radiative lepton flavor violating decays $\ell_i\to\ell_j\gamma$ as well as closely related charged lepton electric dipole moment and anomalous magnetic moments. We will also discuss the three body charged lepton flavor violating decay at the tree level and the $Z^0$ decays into pair of leptons of different flavors.

Primary author

Ms Saereh Najjari (University of Warsaw)


Dr Andreas Crivellin (University of Bern) Prof. Janusz Rosiek (University of Warsaw)

Presentation materials