Flavorful Ways to New Physics

Waldhotel Zollernblick

Waldhotel Zollernblick

Am Zollernblick 1 72250 Freudenstadt - Lauterbad http://www.zollernblick-lauterbad.de/
The workshop is intended to bring together young PhD students and postdocs with international renown representatives of the field of flavor physics. The workshop is specifically intended for PhD students and young postdocs. The overview talks about four big topics in flavor physics are given by international experts. The informal atmosphere should lead to fruitful discussions between the young and the experienced scientists. Furthermore, the participants themselves are invited to present their own work. Thus all young academics will get insights into selected fields of current research.

We are proud to announce the confirmed invited speakers:

A. J. Buras (Munich): Quark Flavor
M. Gersabeck (Manchester): Charm Physics at LHCb
P. Krizan (Ljubljana): Belle and Belle II
M. Beneke (Munich): QCD Factorization
G. Perez (CERN/Rehovot): New Physics Models
W. Rodejohann (Heidelberg): Lepton Flavor
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Proceedings of Science
  • Andrzej Buras
  • Bartosz Dziewit
  • Christoph Niehoff
  • Christoph Wiegand
  • Denis Rosenthal
  • Felix Wick
  • Gilad Perez
  • Gilberto Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi
  • Johannes Grygier
  • Luiz Henrique Vale Silva
  • Marco Gersabeck
  • Martin Beneke
  • Matic Lubej
  • Michael Ziegler
  • Monika Blanke
  • Monika Richter
  • Patrick Gelhausen
  • Paul Tremper
  • Peter Križan
  • Peter Stangl
  • Philipp Frings
  • Saereh Najjari
  • Sebastian Zajac
  • Shanzhen Chen
  • Stefan de Boer
  • Stefan Schacht
  • Susanne Kraenkl
  • Suzanne Klaver
  • Thomas Deppisch
  • Thomas Rauh
  • Werner Rodejohann
  • Wolfgang G. Hollik
  • Wolfgang Noll
  • Yang-Hwan Ahn
    • Arrival

      The shuttle bus leaves 11:00 am from Karlsruhe main station.

    • Lunch
    • Charm Physics at LHCb
      • 1
        Charm Physics at LHCb
        Speaker: Dr Marco Gersabeck (The University of Manchester)
    • 4:00 PM
      Coffee Break
    • Young Investigator Talks
      • 2
        Measuring Semileptonic Asymmetries in LHCb
        The CP-violating flavour-specific asymmetry in neutral B mesons provides a method for testing the Standard Model. The measurements from the D0 experiment yield values of this asymmetry that disagree with the Standard Model, most recently at a level of 3.6 sigma. In this contribution, I will discuss the latest LHCb measurements in this sector for this asymmetry both from B0 mesons (asld) and B0s mesons (asls). Using their 2011 dataset, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb-1 obtained in 2011, LHCb measured a value of asls = (-0.06 ± 0.50 (stat) ± 0.36 (syst))%, which is the most precise value of asls to date. Also, a new measurement on asld will be presented, based on the full LHC run-1 dataset.
        Speaker: Suzanne Klaver (University of Manchester)
      • 3
        Penguin Pollution in B^0 -> J/psi K^0 and B_s -> J/psi phi Decays
        The size of the penguin pollution from the u-quark loop is under debate for many years, and this issue must be settled when future precise data on the famous mixing-induced CP asymmetries will be analysed to measure sin(2*beta) or beta_s. We have caluclated the penguin pollution from first principles, using methods of soft-collinear factorisation. (Earlier attempts to do such a calculation for the B-> J/psi K_S branching ratio around 12 years ago had failed. The situation for the penguin pollution, however, is different.)
        Speaker: Mr Philipp Frings (Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP))
      • 4
        Search for the Rare Decay $B^0 \to \tau^+ \tau^-$ at Belle
        In the Standard Model the decay $B^0 \to \tau^+ \tau^-$ is highly suppressed with a predicted branching ratio of $\mathcal{B}_{\rm{SM}}(B^0 \to \tau^+ \tau^-) \approx 3 \times 10^{-8}$. The BaBar collaboration estimated an upper limit of $\mathcal{B}< 4.1 \times 10^{-3}$ at the 90\% confidence level using a data sample of $232 \times 10^6$ $B\bar B$ pairs. The search presented in this talk is performed on data collected on the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider. The data sample contains $772 \times 10^6$ $B\bar B$ pairs, which is a factor three more than used in the BaBar analysis. For the analysis one of the $B$ mesons is fully reconstructed in hadronic decay modes using a hierarchical NeuroBayes-based algorithm. Using a multivariate analysis method the background is reduced to reach higher sensitivity. An expected upper limit on the branching ratio is estimated on simulated Monte Carlo events.
        Speaker: Michael Ziegler (EKP)
      • 5
        NLO Corrections to Inclusive B Decays
        Inclusive semileptonic B decays offer a possibility to test the Standard Model (SM) in its flavor structure. The relevant SM parameters are the quark mixing parameters that accompany these types of decays, gathered in the CKM matrix. In my talk I'm going to present the technique to determine the inclusive width of a heavy flavored meson which allow to extract the CKM matrix elements $V_{qb}$. As an approach we use the Heavy quark expansion and calculate analytically the perturbative QCD corrections to the power suppressed contribution of the chromo-magnetic operator. In the calculation the final state quark is treated as massless.
        Speaker: Mr Denis Rosenthal (Uni Siegen)
    • Flavor Physics at Belle and Belle II
      • 6
        Flavor Physics at Belle and Belle II
        Speaker: Prof. Peter Krizan (University of Ljubljana and JSI)
    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Break
    • Young Investigator Talks
      • 7
        Flavoured Dark Matter Beyond Minimal Flavour Violation
        Flavour symmetries provide an appealing mechanism to stabilize the dark matter particle. I present a simple model of quark flavoured dark matter that goes beyond the framework of minimal flavour violation. I discuss the phenomenological implications for direct and indirect dark matter detection experiments, high energy collider searches as well as flavour violating precision data.
        Speaker: Monika Blanke (CERN &amp; KIT)
      • 8
        Two loop new physics corrections in rare decays
        Speaker: Mr Christoph Wiegand (KIT)
      • 9
        A Solution to Singularities Arising at NLO in the Calculation of epsilon'/epsilon
        Speaker: Mr Paul Tremper (KIT)
    • Lunch
    • Quark Flavor Physics
      • 10
        Flavourful Ways to the Shortest Distance Scales Explored by Humans
        Speaker: Prof. Andrzej Buras (TUM-IAS)
    • 4:00 PM
      Coffee Break
    • Evening Lecture
      • 11
        The Flavor of Economics
        Speaker: Dr Felix Wick (Blue Yonder)
    • 12
      Conference Dinner Wellness Hotel Lauterbad

      Wellness Hotel Lauterbad

    • New Physics Models
      • 13
        New Physics Models or On the Rare Occasions When Naturalness Meets Flavor
        Speaker: Prof. Gilad Perez (Weizmann)
    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Break
    • Young Investigator Talks
      • 14
        Search for CP violation in D0->pi-pi+pi0 decays at LHCb
        The LHCb experiment has recorded the world's largest sample of charmed meson decays. This contribution will present a new measurement involving for the first time a decay into a final state containing a neutral pion. The search for CP violation exploits a novel model-independent, un-binned technique to assign a p-value for the no CP violation hypothesis. With a data sample size exceeding that of previous measurements by almost an order of magnitude a significant step in sensitivity is expected.
        Speaker: Mr Shanzhen Chen (University of Manchester)
      • 15
        Strong couplings from Light-cone sum rules
        QCD Light-cone sum rules (LCSR) proved to be a reliable QCD based tool for the determination of form factors of heavy-to-light transitions like $B(D) \to \pi$. We revisit the LCSR for $B^*B\pi$ and $D^*D\pi$ strong couplings accessible via the same correlation function, employing the double dispersion relations. These sum rules are considerably improved by additional radiative corrections , updates of higher twist contributions and input parameters. We also probed various versions of double dispersion relations. The LCSRs were extended to strong couplings of heavy-light mesons containing a strange quark.
        Speaker: Mr Patrick Gelhausen (University of Siegen)
      • 16
        NNLO corrections to the decay B -> D pi
        Hadronic decays of B mesons provide an essential contribution in testing the CKM structure of the Standard Model. It is therefore mandatory to increase the precision of their branching rations as much as possible, both experimentally and theoretically. In this talk we investigate the decay \bar B^0-> D^+\pi^- at NNLO in QCD factorization, a model-independent framework which disentangles perturbative from non-perturbative effects in the heavy-mass limit. We present the result for the two-loop correction to the hard scattering kernel, including calculational techniques such as Laporta reduction to master integrals and Mellin Barnes representations and differential equations for evaluating the latter.
        Speaker: Ms Susanne Kraenkl (University of Siegen)
      • 17
        The bottom quark mass from non-relativistic sum rules at NNNLO
        Decays of B mesons scale with high powers of the bottom quark mass. To avoid large parametric uncertainties precise knowledge of this parameter is important. We determine the mass of the bottom quark from moments of the $b\bar{b}$ production cross section near threshold. On the theory side we use NNNLO predictions both for the resonances and the continuum cross section. We compare our result to other recent precision determinations.
        Speaker: Mr Thomas Rauh (TU Munich)
    • Lunch
    • QCD Factorization
      • 18
        QCD Factorization
        Speaker: Prof. Martin Beneke (TU Muenchen)
    • 19
      Social Event Freudenstadt


    • Lepton Flavor Physics
      • 20
        Lepton Flavor (and Number) Physics
        Speaker: Dr Werner Rodejohann (MPIK)
    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Break
    • Young Investigator Talks
      • 21
        Lifting degenerate neutrino masses, threshold corrections and maximal mixing
        Speaker: Mr Wolfgang G. Hollik (KIT)
      • 22
        New Physics in \Delta \Gamma_d
        Motivated by the recent measurement of the dimuon asymmetry by the D{\O} collaboration, which could be interpreted as an enhanced decay rate difference in the neutral B_d-meson system, we investigate the possible size of new-physics contributions to \Delta\Gamma_d. In particular, we perform model-independent studies of non-standard effects associated to the dimension-six current-current operators (d^{-}p)(p^{-}′b) with p,p′=u,c as well as (d^{-}b)(\tau^{-}\tau). In both cases we find that for certain flavour or Lorentz structures of the operators sizable deviations of \Delta \Gamma_d away from the Standard Model expectation cannot be excluded in a model-independent fashion.
        Speaker: Mr Gilberto Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotz (Durham University)
      • 23
        A Left-Right Symmetric Model with doublets
        Left-Right Symmetric Models (LRSM) attempt at giving an understanding of the violation of parity (or charge-conjugation) by the weak interactions in the SM through the introduction of right-handed currents. The spontaneous symmetry breaking of SU(2)_LxSU(2)_RxU(1)_(B-L) is usually triggered by an enlarged Higgs sector, usually consisting of two triplet fields (left-right symmetry breaking) and a bi-doublet (electroweak symmetry breaking). I reconsider an alternative LRSM with doublet instead of triplet fields and a Higgs bi-doublet. After explaining some features of this model, I discuss constraints on its parameters using electroweak precision and neutral-meson mixing observables, combining them using the CKMfitter frequentist statistical framework.
        Speaker: Mr Luiz Henrique Vale Silva (Laboratoire de Physique Theorique)
      • 24
        Lepton Flavor Violation in the SM with general Dimension-6 Operators
        I will talk about lepton flavor observables in the charged lepton sector in the general extension of the Standard Model, where possible New Physics effects are parametrized by the dimension-5 and -6 operators constructed from the SM fields. I will discuss the radiative lepton flavor violating decays $\ell_i\to\ell_j\gamma$ as well as closely related charged lepton electric dipole moment and anomalous magnetic moments. We will also discuss the three body charged lepton flavor violating decay at the tree level and the $Z^0$ decays into pair of leptons of different flavors.
        Speaker: Ms Saereh Najjari (University of Warsaw)
    • Lunch/ Depature