Suzanne Klaver
(University of Manchester)
10/28/14, 4:30 PM
The CP-violating flavour-specific asymmetry in neutral B mesons provides a method for testing the Standard Model. The measurements from the D0 experiment yield values of this asymmetry that disagree with the Standard Model, most recently at a level of 3.6 sigma. In this contribution, I will discuss the latest LHCb measurements in this sector for this asymmetry both from B0 mesons (asld) and...
Philipp Frings
(Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP))
10/28/14, 4:50 PM
The size of the penguin pollution from the u-quark loop is under debate
for many years, and this issue must be settled when future precise data
on the famous mixing-induced CP asymmetries will be analysed to measure
sin(2*beta) or beta_s. We have caluclated the penguin pollution from first principles, using methods of soft-collinear factorisation. (Earlier attempts to do such a calculation...
Denis Rosenthal
(Uni Siegen)
10/28/14, 5:30 PM
Inclusive semileptonic B decays offer a possibility to test the Standard
Model (SM) in its flavor structure. The relevant SM parameters are the
quark mixing parameters that accompany these types of decays, gathered
in the CKM matrix. In my talk I'm going to present the technique to
determine the inclusive width of a heavy flavored meson which allow to
extract the CKM matrix elements...
Monika Blanke
10/29/14, 11:30 AM
Flavour symmetries provide an appealing mechanism to stabilize the dark matter particle. I present a simple model of quark flavoured dark matter that goes beyond the framework of minimal flavour violation. I discuss the phenomenological implications for direct and indirect dark matter detection experiments, high energy collider searches as well as flavour violating precision data.
Paul Tremper
10/29/14, 12:40 PM
Shanzhen Chen
(University of Manchester)
10/30/14, 11:30 AM
The LHCb experiment has recorded the world's largest sample of charmed meson decays. This contribution will present a new measurement involving for the first time a decay into a final state containing a neutral pion. The search for CP violation exploits a novel model-independent, un-binned technique to assign a p-value for the no CP violation hypothesis. With a data sample size exceeding that...
Patrick Gelhausen
(University of Siegen)
10/30/14, 11:50 AM
QCD Light-cone sum rules (LCSR) proved to be a reliable QCD based tool for the determination of form factors of heavy-to-light transitions like $B(D) \to \pi$. We revisit the LCSR for $B^*B\pi$ and $D^*D\pi$ strong couplings accessible via the same correlation function, employing the double dispersion
relations. These sum rules are considerably improved by additional radiative corrections ,...
Susanne Kraenkl
(University of Siegen)
10/30/14, 12:10 PM
Hadronic decays of B mesons provide an essential contribution in testing the CKM structure of the Standard Model. It is therefore mandatory to increase the precision of their branching rations as much as possible, both experimentally and theoretically. In this talk we investigate the decay \bar B^0-> D^+\pi^- at NNLO in QCD factorization, a model-independent framework which disentangles...
Thomas Rauh
(TU Munich)
10/30/14, 12:30 PM
Decays of B mesons scale with high powers of the bottom quark mass. To avoid large parametric uncertainties precise knowledge of this parameter is important. We determine the mass of the bottom quark from moments of the $b\bar{b}$ production cross section near threshold. On the theory side we use NNNLO predictions both for the resonances and the continuum cross section. We compare our result...
Wolfgang G. Hollik
10/31/14, 11:30 AM
Gilberto Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotz
(Durham University)
10/31/14, 11:50 AM
Motivated by the recent measurement of the dimuon asymmetry by the D{\O} collaboration, which could be interpreted as an enhanced decay rate difference in the neutral B_d-meson system, we investigate the possible size of new-physics contributions to \Delta\Gamma_d. In particular, we perform model-independent studies of non-standard effects associated to the dimension-six current-current...
Luiz Henrique Vale Silva
(Laboratoire de Physique Theorique)
10/31/14, 12:10 PM
Left-Right Symmetric Models (LRSM) attempt at giving an understanding of the violation of parity (or charge-conjugation) by the weak interactions in the SM through the introduction of right-handed currents. The spontaneous symmetry breaking of SU(2)_LxSU(2)_RxU(1)_(B-L) is usually triggered by an enlarged Higgs sector, usually consisting of two triplet fields (left-right symmetry breaking) and...
Saereh Najjari
(University of Warsaw)
10/31/14, 12:30 PM
I will talk about lepton flavor observables in the charged lepton sector in the general extension of the Standard Model, where possible New Physics effects are parametrized by the dimension-5 and -6 operators constructed from the SM fields. I will discuss the radiative
lepton flavor violating decays $\ell_i\to\ell_j\gamma$ as well as
closely related charged lepton electric dipole moment and...