Mar 17 – 21, 2025
KIT North Campus
Europe/Berlin timezone


The I.FAST Workshop 2025 on the stability of storage ring based light sources is jointly organised by Synchrotron SOLEIL and KIT. 

For future synchrotron light sources with ultra low emittance beams, the stability of the light source is of paramount importance in order to exploit the properties of the high quality beams. Beam stability issues have been addressed as one of the relevant topics in synchrotron light sources from hardware and beam dynamics aspects, including the time range from sub-microseconds to years. The goal of the workshop is to share the latest information and knowledge on beam dynamics in order to understand and improve beam stability and the relevant hardware to ensure stable beam operation. 

The Stability Workshop will have four session blocks, namely Beam Position Stability, where beam dynamics, correction schemes, beam diagnostics will be discussed, Resistive and Permament Magnets, where stability on resistive and permanent magnets will be discussed, Infrastructure, where girders and temperature stability will be discussed, Challenging Issues, where prospects and future goals will be discussed. 

To ensure networking between the various scientific and industrial areas involved in accelerator science and technology, a joint experimental campaign will be organized immediately after the two-day workshop, where participants will jointly participate in beam stability related experiments at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator KARA. 




KIT North Campus
KARA large seminar room in building 348
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.