Mar 17 – 21, 2025
KIT North Campus
Europe/Berlin timezone

Additional Tips for Visit to KIT (updated!)

How to get from Frankfurt International Airport to Karlsruhe Central Station

The easiest way is to take the Intercity-Express (ICE). There are two railway stations at the airport, one for long-distance trains and one for local trains. ICEs to Karlsruhe Central Station depart from the long-distance station and there are several ICEs a day that go directly to Karlsruhe Central Station. To avoid the inconvenience of changing trains, we recommend that you take the direct ICE from the airport to Karlsruhe Central Station.

Timetables, ticket prices and booking information can be found on the Deutsche Bahn (DB) website.


How to get to the boarding point (Q Quadro City Hotel) of the workshop shuttle bus 

Trams are a convenient form of public transport in the city of Karlsruhe. For example, you can take a tram from Karlsruhe Central Station to the Rüppurrer Tor tram stop near the Q Quadro City Hotel. 

How to get on the tram from the main station:
The tram station is located in front of and outside the main station building. From the tram station, take tram no. 3 in the direction of Tivoli, Rüppurrer Tor and Rintheim. To use the trams and buses in the city of Karlsruhe, you need to buy a ticket for 2 zones (2 Waben). 

For more information on public transport in Karlsruhe, please visit the KVV website.



The KIT shuttle bus (please do not mix it up with the workshop shuttle bus!)

If you need to leave KIT Campus North earlier than the workshop shuttle, you can use the KIT shuttle. The KIT shuttle runs regularly between the North Campus and the South Campus via the East Campus. 


You can board the KIT shuttle at bus stop KIT-CN H6 or KIT_CN H15. The yellow star on the following map shows the location of the workshop and the yellow mark with an H is the bus stop KIT-CN H6, which is the starting point of the KIT shuttle. The green circle shows the location of another bus stop, KIT-CN H15, where the shuttle bus passes and picks up passengers.  It takes less than 10 minutes to walk from the workshop venue to the bus stops. You can reach the South Campus by getting off the shuttle at the terminal bus stop (KIT-CS in the timetable). 

* You can also see the "S" logo on the map, which indicates the train station. You can take a train from this station to Karlsruhe central station. However, there are only two trains per day at 16:29 and 17:29. These are the S1 trains (you need a train ticket) and go through the central station to Ettlingen Stadt station.  

From the terminal bus stop on the South Campus you can take a train to Karlsruhe main station. The yellow H with the yellow star shows the location of the terminal bus stop where you get off the KIT shuttle, and the green circle shows the location of the train ( underground and tram) station "Durlacher Tor / KIT Campus Süd".  The walk from the bus stop to the stations takes about 5 minutes. 


The timetable and maps of the trains can be found on the Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund (KVV) website. You can search for available trains on the KVV website (in German, English and French).