Mar 17 – 21, 2025
KIT North Campus
Europe/Berlin timezone

Statistical and interferometric beam diagnostics in IOTA at Fermilab

Mar 19, 2025, 3:20 PM
KARA large seminar room in building 348 (KIT North Campus)

KARA large seminar room in building 348

KIT North Campus


Giulio Stancari (Fermilab / UChicago)


At the Fermilab Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA), we are
carrying out a research program on the statistical and quantum-optical
properties of undulator radiation from electron bunches down to single
electrons [1]. As a result of this program, novel beam diagnostic
techniques have been developed. From the intensity fluctuations of
undulator radiation, it is possible to infer very small beam sizes,
which would otherwise be very challenging to observe [2]. In addition,
we applied interferometric methods to observe vibrations of the
apparatus at the nanometer scale [3]. A review of these methods is
given, with an outlook on possible developments.


Primary author

Giulio Stancari (Fermilab / UChicago)

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