Mar 17 – 21, 2025
KIT North Campus
Europe/Berlin timezone

A Transparent Injection Scheme for Diamond-II

Not scheduled
KARA large seminar room in building 348 (KIT North Campus)

KARA large seminar room in building 348

KIT North Campus


Ian Martin (Diamond Light Source)


This talk presents an overview of the injection schemes that have been developed for Diamond-II. Two complementary injection schemes will be used. The first scheme uses a standard four-kicker bump with permanent magnet main septum and pulsed thin septum magnet for commissioning of the new storage ring and fast filling in multi-bunch mode. The second scheme makes use of fast (3 ns) single-bunch stripline kickers for transparent injection during top-up. These striplines can be used either for aperture-sharing injection or kick-and-cancel injection. The principles behind these two schemes are described and the simulated performances are compared. The talk concludes by describing the hardware specifications of the injection magnets and status of prototyping.

Primary author

Ian Martin (Diamond Light Source)

Presentation materials

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