Quadrupole offset measurement by beam-based alignment
Immediately after the two-day workshop, we are planning the joint experiment at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA), a 2.5 GeV electron storage ring.
One of the experimental topics we are planning is the beam-based alignment (BBA) to measure the position offsets of each quadrupole magnet in the KARA electron storage ring. The aim of the experiment is to understand the influence of the machine operating conditions on the beam position stability.
In the experiment, the BBA will be repeated by changing the machine operating conditions such as beam energy, magnet cycling/initialisation pattern and machine warm-up time. By comparing the position offsets analysed by the BBA results, we try to get the information on how the machine operating conditions should be chosen from the point of view of beam position stability.
During the workshop, we plan to have a presentation on the quadrupole offsets measurement by the BBA to introduce the joint experiment and a time slot to discuss the experiment. If necessary, we will organise online meetings before the workshop to discuss the experimental plan by inviting the participants who plan to participate in the experiment.
The latest information about the joint experiment will be uploaded here later.