(Foto: D. Fehrenz/GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
This year's destination of the KSETA excursion will be GSI in Darmstadt. After an introductory lecture to the physics programme at GSI, we will be able to visit some of the experimental areas like the accelerator and detectors. In the afternoon, we will have some more detailed sessions about topics of GSI's research and we will visit the construction site of the new FAIR accelerator.
The topics of the afternoon sessions are not yet fixed and all participants of the excursion will be able to decide on this in a poll in mid July. In case of questions feel free to contact us under kseta-phd-representatives@lists.kit.edu
See you on the excursion!
Your KSETA PhD representatives
Alex, Kirill, Matthias and Philip