Indico maintenance tomorrow 21.1.2025 from 9-10 am

CORSIKA Cosmic Ray Simulation Workshop [virtual]




General and open workshop to discuss technology and science of air shower simulations, and meeting of the CORSIKA 8 Project.

ZOOM link:

    • 1
      Speaker: Ralf Ulrich (KIT)
    • CORSIKA Workshop: Project overview
      Convener: Ralf Ulrich (KIT)
      • 2
        CORSIKA8 project status
        Speaker: Maximilian Reininghaus (KIT / IKP)
      • 3
        Status of CORSIKA7
        Speaker: Tanguy Pierog (IKP, KIT)
      • 4
        CORSIKA8 framework structure and design
        Speaker: Dr Antonio Augusto Alves Junior (KIT)
      • 5
        Combined discussion, Q&A
        Speaker: Ralf Ulrich (KIT)
    • 3:20 PM
    • CORSIKA Workshop: Air shower physics
      Convener: Tanguy Pierog (IKP, KIT)
      • 6
        A simulation study of the effects of diffractive collisions on observables of air showers experiments

        A hadronic interaction plays an important role in air shower development, and the detailed understanding is a key to understand the mass composition.
        The diffractive collision is one of the proposed sources of the uncertainties of air shower predictions. In this work, we investigate how the difference in the diffractive collision treatment between models affects the depth of the maximum of the air shower developments Xmax, the depth of the maximum of muon productions Xmaxμ and the number of muons on the ground Nμ with focusing on detail characteristics of diffractive collisions; the fraction of diffractive collisions and the modeling of the diffractive collisions. We demonstrate the fraction of diffractive collisions to inelastic collisions affects 8.9 g/cm2 and 9.5 g/cm2 on Xmax and Xmaxμ, respectively. On the other hand, the effects of and the modeling of diffractive collisions are relatively small.

        Speaker: Ken Ohashi (Nagoya University)
      • 7
        Opportunities for BSM physics in Cosmic Rays
        Speaker: Oliver Fischer (Institut für Kernphysik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
      • 8
        Sub-TeV hadronic interaction model differences and their impact on air-shower development

        In the sub-TeV regime, popular hadronic interaction models disagree in their predictions for post-first interaction and ground-level particle spectra. These model differences generate a significant source of inherent uncertainty in their experimental utilization.
        We investigate the nature and impact of such differences through a simultaneous analysis of ground level particles and first interaction scenarios. We focus on initialized events at energies close to the transition between high and low energy hadronic interaction models, where the discrepancies have been shown to be maximal. We find the models to diverge as more concrete shower scenarios are compared, pointing to characteristic differences in the models phenomenology. Finally, we discuss an argumentation for the scaling of such differences and their decrement at higher initial energies.

        Speaker: Álvaro Pastor Gutiérrez (MPIK)
      • 9
        Input from LHCb towards understanding air showers
        Speaker: Hans Dembinski (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
      • 10
        Modifying interactions in CORSIKA with MOCHI
        Speaker: Jan Ebr (Institute of Physics, Prague)
      • 11
        Combined discussion, Q&A
        Speaker: Tanguy Pierog (IKP, KIT)
    • 12
      Speaker: Ralf Ulrich (KIT)
    • CORSIKA Workshop: Theory and models
      Convener: Hans Dembinski (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
    • 3:25 PM
    • CORSIKA Workshop: Connection to accelerators
      Convener: Remy Prechelt (University of Hawai'i at Manoa)
      • 18
        Core-Corona approach and the muon deficit
        Speaker: Matias Perlin
      • 19
        Lower energy hadron collisions with SMASH
        Speaker: Anna Schäfer
      • 20
        CRMC in Geant4
        Speaker: Andrii Tykhonov
      • 21
        FASER: very-forward neutrinos
        Speaker: Felix Kling (SLAC)
      • 22
        A Forward Multiparticle Spectrometer for CMS

        I describe a Forward Multiparticle Spectrometer (FMS) that could be installed as a new subsystem for CMS in Run 4, with p+p collisions at s = 14 TeV and with p + O and O + O collisions. It uses a new superconducting dipole as a spectrometer magnet to measure multi-TeV charged hadron spectra behind a large radius beam pipe. The tracking detectors and calorimeters, between z = 116 m and 126 m, are clones of the planned CMS Endcap upgrade, supplemented by transition radiation detectors for hadron identification. In addition to measuring the spectra of  , K , p, pbar and light antinuclei, charmed hadrons,
        J/ and other decaying particles can be measured at high Feynman-x. At high luminosity the FMS in a different mode can search for penetrating long-lived neutral particles. An Expression of Interest is in preparation.

        Speaker: Mike Albrow
      • 23
        Combined discussion, Q&A
        Speaker: Remy Prechelt (University of Hawai'i at Manoa)
    • 24
      Speaker: Ralf Ulrich (KIT)
    • CORSIKA Workshop: Cherenkov photons
      Conveners: Gernot Maier, Konrad Bernloehr, Luisa Arrabito
      • 25
        Introduction & CTAO
        Speaker: Gernot Maier
      • 26
        Hadronic interaction models & IACTs
        Speaker: Michiko Ohishi (ICRR, University of Tokyo)
      • 27
        Cherenkov propagation optimization in Corsika 7 for the CTA use case

        We will report about the optimization work done so far on CORSIKA 7 for the use case of CTA. We will present in particular how we have applied vectorization techniques to the Cherenkov module obtaining a speed-up of almost a factor 2.

        Speaker: Luisa Arrabito
      • 28
        Cherenkov photons on GPU
        Speaker: Dominik Baack (TU Dortmund)
      • 29
        Fluorescence emission & IACTS
        Speakers: Daniel Morcuende (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti (Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain))
      • 30
        Combined discussion, Q&A
        Speaker: Konrad Bernlöhr (MPI für Kernphysik)

        Questions and discussions

        • Magnetic fields in Corsika8, will it be limited in a similar way as so far?
          • No, the modelling of environment is very modular and to a large extend open to the users. A position dependent magnetic fields will be there in Corsika8. Standard sets of fields, homogeneous, but also Earth-wide, will be distributed with Corsika8.
        • The interface for Cherenkov photon production in terms of programming. Will there be a "track segment" class?
          • The point is really about the clean interface and that all needed information is easily accessible. If there will be "track segment" class is not clear, since it might not be needed as-is.
          • The current C8 design is already very close to what was suggested by Konrad. There is a "process" interface that get basically all important information. However, this will be extended and refined whenever needed and useful!
        • For the fluoresence light emission, further geometric cuts on the "viewing angle" of observers might be able to significantly reduce the computing time.


    • 3:40 PM
    • CORSIKA Workshop: Radio emission
      Convener: Tim Huege (KIT)
      • 31
        General thoughts on radio in CORSIKA 8
        Speaker: Tim Huege (KIT)
      • 32
        Suggestion for a radio interface in CORSIKA 8
        Speaker: Remy Prechelt (University of Hawai'i at Manoa)
      • 33
        Simulations of radio emission for air showers penetrating from air to ice
        Speaker: Krijn de Vries
      • 34
        Simulations for in-ice radio experiments
        Speaker: Christian Glaser
      • 35
        Combined discussion, Q&A
        Speaker: Tim Huege (KIT)
    • 36
      CORSIKA in Heidelberg
      Speaker: Jim Hinton
    • 37
      Workshop photo
    • CORSIKA Workshop: GPU and acceleration
      Convener: Dominik Baack (TU Dortmund)
      • 38
        Cascade equations and accelerated methods
        Speaker: Anatoli Fedynitch (DESY Zeuthen)
      • 39
        Random number generation in multi-threaded programs and recent developments in numpy | Efficient static dispatch mechanisms in C++
        Speaker: Hans Dembinski (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
      • 40
        EM cascades
        Speaker: Stephan Meighen-Berger
      • 41
        Electromagnetic shower simulation using PROPOSAL
        Speaker: Maximilian Sackel
      • 42
        Combined discussion, Q&A
        Speaker: Dominik Baack (TU Dortmund)
    • 3:45 PM
    • CORSIKA Workshop: Summary, Outlook
      Convener: Lukas Nellen (I de CIencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
      • 43
        Recipes for primordial soups (Astrobiology)
        Speakers: Dominik Schwarz, Petra Lutter
      • 44
        CORSIKA: exotic physics, and pandemic research
        Speaker: Stephan Meighen-Berger
      • 45
        End and final discussion
        Speaker: Ralf Ulrich (KIT)