Jul 6 – 8, 2015
Waldhotel Zollernblick
Europe/Berlin timezone
Waldhotel Zollernblick
Am Zollernblick 1 72250 Freudenstadt-Lauterbad <a href="http://www.zollernblick-lauterbad.de/en/">http://www.zollernblick-lauterbad.de/en/</a>

Dear KSETA fellows,

following last year's success of the Doktorandenworkshop in Freudenstadt, we are preparing this year's workshop and are looking forward for your contributions again.


Scope of the Doktorandenworkshop

As last year, KSETA fellows from very different fields will be participating from theoretical particle physics to cryo engineering. Thus, you will have the opportunity to get out of your topic's ivory tower and have an exchange with other fields. Hence, your contribution will be aimed at people outside of your field and we are looking again for your contributions bringing interesting tools and topics to your fellow colleagues.

Some general ideas for possible contributions could be

  • an introduction to particle physics for engineers
  • detector hardware and particle measurements for theoretical and data analysing physicists
  • programming and plotting tools
  • ...

Feel free to suggest any topic you like which could be interesting for other fellows or ask for topics you'd like to learn more about. If you already have ideas, you can provide them in the registration. If not, you are welcome to register anyway, as there will be a meeting for all participants and fellows interested in participating to collect ideas and form groups. To get some impression of possible topics, see the program of last year's workshop.

The general meeting takes place on the 20th of May 2015, at 17.30 in room 6/1, building 30.23 on Campus South.

The registration is 'first come, first served' due to limited capacity of the hotel.


Travel and Bus Transfer

Everyone (both CS and CN), please fill out this travel form.

The first page of this form must be filled by everyone due to legal requirements. Please let the head of your institute sign the form and hand it to Mrs Lepold. There will be no billing, unless you travel to Freudenstadt and back on your own and not by bus.

Please note, that all travel expenses are directly covered by KSETA and do not affect the institute's budget.

The bus will depart on July 6 at 9am at the junction Gaede Str. / Engesser Str.


  • We will provide pdf-compatible laptops for presentations. However, we recommend that you use your own laptop in case you want to present something.
  • The beamer will have a standard VGA connector. If you need an adapter, please provide it yourself.
  • The tutorials should be prepared in English.
  • The duration of each tutorial is 55 min. Afterwards a short feedback for the presenters will be given by the audience (~5 min). You can do in your tutorial whatever you want (presentations, demonstrations, discussions, working sheets …).
  • We will also have flipcharts with markers.


Invited Speakers

There will be invited speakers on the workshop as well. The annnouncement will follow soon.


  • Please bring your own writing utensils (pen, paper, …)