Your Contribution
We want all participants to take an active part in the conference. It is therefore mandatory to contribute to at least one of the following sessions: Science Slam, Multidisciplinary Workshop or Poster Session. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us:
Science Slam
Laughter is the best medicine.
Come join the science slam and get a chance to present your research in a comprehensible, creative and entertaining manner! All PhD students are invited to participate and communicate science with a few laughs.
Some details:
- Participate as a single presenter
- To have more fun!, participate in a randomized team of 4-6 students (participants will be informed about their team before the conference)
- 10 minutes of acting/talking/dancing/presenting in English
- First 3 winning teams/presenters get a prize
- Certain props will be provided
Multidisciplinary Workshop
Plan a Mission to Mars.
Earth is a nice place and we all hope that we will be able to keep the planet healthy and habitable. But, it is always good to have a plan B. We need a master plan to get out of here, all of us. Mars seems to be the obvious place. Mankind should be able to settle there and try to start over.
A huge challenge, only solvable with all the Helmholtz forces united.
Teams with members of all six Helmholtz-research fields will work out a concept based on the following three steps:
- getting there
- surviving there
- reproducing there
A jury will assess the best presentation based on
- Multidisciplinary - is every Helmholtz-expertise included?
- Comprehensibility - Did you think of every problem?
- Convincing Presentation - Would investors think your solution is feasible?
Best group awaits a price.
Perhaps, you watch the latest Matt Damon movie to prepare yourself for the task.
Poster Session
Discuss your project.
Bring a poster to present your work. Discuss with other students, get input and open your horizon by looking at projects going on all over Helmholtz. The poster size is open so you can reuse an existing poster.