Nov 24 – 27, 2022
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Europe/Berlin timezone

Gender within the culture of physics

Nov 25, 2022, 3:00 PM
FTU Aula (KIT Campus North)

FTU Aula

KIT Campus North

KIT Campus map: Building: 101 Room: 130 Address: Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Coordinates: 49.09139, 8.42756


Andrea Bossmann (TU Berlin)


Research in physics is supposed to be objective: physicists perform experiments and measurements, mathematical derivations, or numerical simulations. The methods as well as the research objects don't have a gender.

At the same time we observe that still today the vast majority of physicists are (white) men. Why is it like this? And what implications does this have? This talk will give an overview of the current state of research of gender and diversity studies in physics. I will highlight what we can learn from gender studies about the social context of our research practice and the everyday workplace culture in physics. Furthermore, I will address insights from the comparison with the situation in other countries and which approaches and strategies may help improve the situation.

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