Nov 24 – 27, 2022
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Europe/Berlin timezone

Exploring and shaping future technology at Bosch Research as a physicist

Nov 26, 2022, 12:20 PM
Kleiner Hörsaal A (KIT Campus South)

Kleiner Hörsaal A

KIT Campus South

KIT Campus map: Building: 30.22 Room: 020 Address: Institute of Technology, Engesserstraße 7, 76131 Karlsruhe Coordinates: 49.01244, 8.41062
Talk Physics and profession Physics and Profession 3


Mrs Elisabeth Schwarz (Bosch Research, Robert Bosch GmbH)Mrs Janine Riedrich-Moeller (Bosch Research, Robert Bosch GmbH)


In this talk, Elisabeth and Janine, two physicists from Bosch Research would like to share their different career paths from academia to industry as well as their passion about cutting-edge research in future fields like quantum sensing, machine learning or fuel cell systems.

Janine Riedrich-Moeller received her franco-german Master degree in physics from the Saarland University, Germany and the Université de Henri-Poincaré Nancy, France. After completing her PhD studies in the quantum optics group at the Saarland University, she joined the corporate research division of the Robert Bosch GmbH in Renningen, Germany, in 2015. In the domain of microsystems and quantum technology, she concentrates on the realization of quantum sensors for automotive and consumer applications.

Elisabeth Schwarz completed her physics degree (M.Sc.) at Technische Universität Dresden in 2019 with a Master thesis in the field of organic electronics. After this, she joined Bosch Research in Renningen as a doctoral student. In her PhD studies in mechanical engineering with the TU Ilmenau production technology group, she combines machine learning and physical simulations for improved quality prediction in welding processes. From October 2022 on, Elisabeth will work as a research engineer in the cyber-physical systems department of the Bosch Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) division.

Category Other

Primary authors

Mrs Elisabeth Schwarz (Bosch Research, Robert Bosch GmbH) Mrs Janine Riedrich-Moeller (Bosch Research, Robert Bosch GmbH)

Presentation materials