Nov 24 – 27, 2022
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Europe/Berlin timezone

My career as a particle physicist (so far)

Nov 26, 2022, 9:30 AM
Kleiner Hörsaal A (KIT Campus South)

Kleiner Hörsaal A

KIT Campus South

KIT Campus map: Building: 30.22 Room: 020 Address: Institute of Technology, Engesserstraße 7, 76131 Karlsruhe Coordinates: 49.01244, 8.41062
Talk Physics and profession Physics and Profession 2


Beate Heinemann


I will summarize my career starting from school where I enjoyed math, then studying physics at a german university and then doing research at several major laboratories and universities world-wide. I spend about 16 years in the UK and the USA before I came back to Germany. Earlier this year I became the first ever female member of the directorial board of DESY, responsible for the area of particle physics. I will try to identify key turning points or events that shaped my career.

Primary author

Beate Heinemann

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