February 19, 2024 to March 1, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Acceleration and transport of galactic cosmic rays

Broader course for Astroparticle Physicists

Acceleration and transport of galactic cosmic rays

Philipp Mertsch (RWTH AAchen)


The Universe is pervaded by a non-thermal population of high-energy, charged particles. At energies below a few PeV, where the sources are certainly galactic, these are called galactic cosmic rays. Despite decades of observational and theoretical advances, the sources of cosmic rays have still not been unambiguously identified. While solving the question of cosmic-ray origin is of great interest in itself, cosmic rays also play a central role in the evolution of galaxies and can be used as probes of fundamental physics, e.g. dark matter. In this series of lectures, we provide a street-level introduction to galactic cosmic rays, their sources and their transport. In a short tutorial session, we will explore how the theoretical models derived can be fitted to data from the AMS-02 experiment, so please, bring your laptop.


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