Sep 25 – 27, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Heavy sterile Neutrinos from B decays and new QCD corrections to their semi-hadronic decay rates

Sep 26, 2024, 11:30 AM
EBI Hörsaal (KIT)

EBI Hörsaal


Engler-Bunte-Ring 1-7 76131 Karlsruhe


Mr Tim Kretz (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT - TTP))


In modern experiments on flavour physics it is possible to search for the decays of B’s, D’s, or τ’s into final states with heavy neutrinos N (a.k.a. heavy neutral leptons). I present a common study of theorists and experimentalists from Belle II on constraints on BDN. Next I discuss the status of the theory predictions of the various N decay rates. In scenarios in which N interacts with SM particles only through sterile-active neutrino mixing, the dependence of
the lifetime on the relevant mixing angles is important to determine whether N decays in the detector or outside. To calculate the inclusive decay rate into semi-hadronic final states reliably one needs to include radiative QCD corrections. I present analytic results for the QCD-corrected decay rates and discuss their phenomenological impact.

Primary authors

Florian Bernlochner (Universität Bonn) Marco Fedele (KIT, TTP) Markus Prim (Universität Bonn) Mr Tim Kretz (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT - TTP)) Ulrich Nierste (Institut fuer Theoretische Teilchenphysik, KIT CS)

Presentation materials