Young Scientist Talks: Session 1
- Marius Höfer (KIT ITP)
Young Scientist Talks: Session 2
- Hantian Zhang (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Young Scientist Talks: Session 3
- Ivan Novikov (KIT)
Young Scientist Talks: Session 4
- Marco Vitti (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - TTP & IAP)
Young Scientist Talks: Session 5
- Marco Bonetti (ITP IAP KIT)
Young Scientist Talks: Session 6
- Benedetta Belfatto (KIT)
Young Scientist Talks: Session 7
- Surabhi Tiwari (KIT)
We present results for the Higgs production cross section in the gluon-gluon-fusion channel at next-to-next-to-leading order with finite quark masses. While the impact of finite quark masses are power-suppressed, the precision of state-of-the-art theory predictions makes an exact determination of this effect indispensable. With this result, we address one of the leading theory uncertainties of...
The virtual corrections for $gg \to HH$ at NLO QCD have been efficiently approximated using a Taylor expansion in the limit of a forward kinematics. The same method has been recently applied to the calculation of a subset of the NNLO corrections, which are desirable given the significant impact, at NLO, of the uncertainty due to the choice of the top mass renormalization scheme.
In this talk,...
The upcoming HL-LHC phase gives hope to tighten the experimental
constraints on one of the core parameters of the SM: the Higgs
self-coupling. The most prolific process to consider in this context is
double Higgs boson production. Theoretical higher order calculations,
both QCD and electro-weak, are required to match the experimental precision.
In this talk we present our calculation of...
In modern experiments on flavour physics it is possible to search for the decays of $B$’s, $D$’s, or $\tau$’s into final states with heavy neutrinos $N$ (a.k.a. heavy neutral leptons). I present a common study of theorists and experimentalists from Belle II on constraints on $B \rightarrow D^{*} \ell N$. Next I discuss the status of the theory predictions of the various $N$ decay rates. In...
The nature of many experimentally observed hadronic resonances has been a topic of debate ever since the 1960's. In this work, we focus on studying the $f_0(980)$, the second lightest unflavoured scalar resonance. We comment on the different descriptions for it in the quark model, and focus specifically on the pure $s\bar s$ picture. We mainly explore the $B_s^0 \rightarrow f_0(980)\mu^+\mu^-$...
Upon the observation of the four-top (4t) production in both ATLAS and CMS and the expected increase in precision in the upcoming HL-LHC runs, we are motivated to revisit the theoretical calculations of the process. We study the calculations from fixed order perturbative QCD using HELAC-NLO, which employs the Narrow Width Approximation (NWA) at NLO accuracy in both production and decay, in...
The gradient flow (GF) has proven to be an effective tool in lattice QCD, with applications such as the extraction of thermodynamic quantities from the flowed energy-momentum tensor and the non-perturbative calculation of the QCD beta function. Additionally, it shows promise for determining operator renormalization matrices in effective field theories. However, its application has been largely...
Weakly supervised methods have emerged as a powerful tool for model agnostic anomaly detection at the LHC. While remarkable performance has been achieved for specific sets of high-level input features, a further exploration of different input feature sets of various types will lead to more model agnostic and better performing setups. In this talk, we explore low-level features as well as some...