Oct 7 – 18, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Lattice QCD

Broader course for Theoretical Particle Physicists

Lattice QCD

Andreas Jüttner (CERN)


Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics is playing a central role in the phenomenology of the SM and beyond. By means of numerical simulations, the QCD path integral can be simulated and predictions be made with improving precision and control over systematic errors. Recent examples are the computation of the hadronic vacuum polarisation relevant for resolving the muon-(g-2) puzzle, hadronic matrix elements as input to flavour phenomenology, Standard Model parameters (quark masses and strong coupling constant), hadron spectroscopy and scattering, …

These lectures will start with a detailed discussion of the discretisation of scalar quantum field theory as an example, then proceed with gauge and fermion fields, followed by the discussion of the elements of a full simulation of QCD. The lectures will also cover how hadronic matrix elements are computed including data analysis and involved systematic effects, as well as challenges that need to be addressed next.


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