Oct 7 – 18, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone


Comprehensive Guide to Modern Web Technologies and Personal Webpage Development

Oct 8, 2024, 1:30 PM


Comprehensive Guide to Modern Web Technologies and Personal Webpage Development: Part I

  • Nicholas Tan Jerome

Comprehensive Guide to Modern Web Technologies and Personal Webpage Development: Part II

  • Nicholas Tan Jerome (KIT)


This course offers an extensive exploration of contemporary web technologies and the development of personal web pages. Divided into two parts, the first section delves into fundamental web technologies, including HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, and progresses to more advanced topics such as building a simple web server using Python, enabling client-server data interaction through Ajax, and introducing popular frameworks like Angular. Hands-on examples and exercises, including deployments using AWS, and visualizations with d3.js and Three.js, are incorporated to solidify understanding. The second part provides a thorough overview of the current hosting landscape and guides readers through setting up personal webpages using platforms like WordPress with AWS Lightsail, Hugo with AWS S3, and Python frameworks with AWS EC2. Additionally, the process of purchasing a domain and connecting it to hosting services via AWS Route 53 is covered, equipping readers with the knowledge to establish and manage their online presence effectively.
Note: Participants are required to have their laptops to follow this course and they must install Python on their laptops.
Having an AWS free account is a plus, but not a must.

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