Oct 14 – 15, 2019
Integrative Biosciences Center
America/Detroit timezone

Quantitative Assessment of Skin using High-Resolution Handheld Ultrasonic Scanner

Not scheduled
Integrative Biosciences Center

Integrative Biosciences Center

6135 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI 48202 USA
Oral Methods Poster Session


High-resolution ultrasonic imaging has been increasingly used in dermatology as a complementary technique for cutaneous lesions assessment. It may reduce the number of invasive procedures such as biopsies and assist in surgery planning. The success of ultrasonic methods highly relies on the ability of modern imaging systems to deliver precise and interpretable information. The new portable high-resolution ultrasonic imager was designed to be used for dermatological applications. The portable scanner operates at 50-100 MHz and provides B-scan images with up to 4 mm depth penetration with an axial resolution of 20 µm. Adaptive signal processing algorithms allow highlighting elements and features of the tissues. The primary skin layers, as well as the skin appendages, are identified on the obtained acoustical images. The benign melanocytic lesions (ephelides and nevi), skin burns and scars have been identified and characterized by their acoustic properties. Measurements of the thickness of skin layers at a different part of the body provide a base for statistical analysis and give information about skin conditions.
Characterization of skin morphology based on elastic modality can potentially estimate the overall condition of the skin and be used for diagnostic purposes. The new device is intended for the following dermatological applications: surgery planning and image-guided intervention, assessment of wound healing and skin grafts, various vascular anomalies, inflammatory diseases, and numerous cosmetic complications.

Primary authors

Dr Fedar Seviaryn (University of Windsor) Mr Gregory Schreiner (University of Windsor) Sarah Youssef (University of Windsor) Anna Maeva (University College London) Ina Seviaryna (University of Windsor) Prof. Roman Gr. Maev

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