Oct 5 – 7, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

The research group on Near-Realtime Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Prediction (RealPEP)

Oct 5, 2020, 11:00 AM


Oral presentation Towards seamless prediction


Silke Trömel (University of Bonn, Institute for Geosciences - Section Meteorology)


The RealPEP research group funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) was established at the beginning of 2019 and motivated by the prediction of floods especially in small to meso-scale catchments to mitigate risks to society and ecosystems.
RealPEP addresses the full process chain from Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE), Quantitative Precipitation Nowcasting (QPN), Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) by Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) to Flash Flood Prediction (FFP). Major objectives include improved accuracy of radar-based QPE, the use of convective initiation and storm development in nowcasting, bridging the gap between observation-based nowcasting and NWP, and the combination of advanced QPE/QPN/QPF with physics-based hydrological models to improve flood forecasting.
After >1.5 years of joint research, RealPEP organizes this conference to present first results summarized in this presentation, but also to exchange with the community and to reflect and address the state-of-the-art questions of current research on Precipitation and Flash Flood Prediction from Minutes to Days.

Primary author

Silke Trömel (University of Bonn, Institute for Geosciences - Section Meteorology)

Presentation materials

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