A big "Thank you" goes out to all the speakers and their co-authors for providing valuable insight into their latest scientific results, as well as to all the participants of this conference for their equally important questions. You are the ones that made this online conference a success in times where meeting in person is, sadly, not possible. As a reward, we are happy to announce that we are now able to provide you with all the available recordings of the conference talks below, as well as, the presentation material in high resolution which you can find by navigating through the individual contributions listed in the time table.
Sincerely yours,
The RealPEP online conference organization committee
Recorded talks
Session 1: Towards seamless prediction
Dave Turner: The High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) numerical weather prediction model [incomplete: first half is missing]
Ulrich Blahak: SINFONY - the combination of Nowcasting and Numerical Weather Prediction on the convective scale at DWD
Silke Trömel: The research group on Near-Realtime Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Prediction (RealPEP)
Session 2: Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE)
Alexander Ryzhkov: Recent progress in polarimetric radar QPE
Jian Zhang: A specific attenuation based radar QPE for operations
Petar Bukovcic: Polarimetric radar QPE in aggregated snow
Remko Uijlenhoet: Opportunistic Sensing of Rainfall
Martin Fencl and Vojtech Bares: Commercial Microwave Links for Urban Rainfall-runoff Modelling
Julius Polz: Synergies of commercial microwave links and polarimetric weather radars
Session 3: Quantitative Precipitation Nowcasting (QPN)
Loris Foresti: Nowcasting radar precipitation growth & decay in complex orography: a probabilistic machine learning approach
Marc Schleiss: Foresight: Forecasting Storms with Insight
Aitor Atencia: Scale Characterization and Correction of Diurnal Cycle Errors in Nowcasting
Ricardo Reinoso-Rondinel: Radar-based Nowcasting: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the STEPS Methodology
Jordi Figueras i Ventura: On the relationship between lightning activity and convective cell severity
Cintia Carbajal Henken: Assessment of satellite- and ground-based observed total column water vapor variabilities and their relation to convective initiation in Germany
Xavier Calbet: Towards a consistent multi-sensor QPE: NWC SAF's satellite QPE and AEMET's multi-sensor QPE and FFP
Session 4: Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP)
Sarah Dance: Exploiting new observations and data assimilation techniques for improved forecasting of convective precipitation
Jacob Carlin: The synergistic use of polarimetric radar data and one-dimensional microphysical models for precipitation nowcasting
Lucas Reimann: Identification of Hydrometeor Mixing Ratio Retrievals Suitable for Dual-Polarimetric C-Band Radar Observations over Germany
Klaus Vobig: Improvements on the assimilation of radar reflectivities
Session 5: Flash Flood Prediction
Marco Borga: Flash flood hydrologic and geomorphic response: observations needs for improved risk and basin management
Carina Furusho-Percot: The PDE-based hydrologic model ParFlow performance in flash-flood nowcast
Darren Lumbroso - How can the uncertainty in indirect estimates of extreme flash flood discharges be reduced?
Francesco Silvestro: Improving short range hydrological forecasts by using nowcasting technique and data assimilation in meteorological models
Linda Speight: Turning convective forecasts into flood warnings that lead to action
Angelica Caseri: Rainfall nowcasting using deep learning method in southeast of Brazil