Oct 5 – 7, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Commercial Microwave Links for Urban Rainfall-runoff Modelling

Oct 5, 2020, 4:00 PM



Martin Fencl (Czech Technical University in Prague)


Urban catchments are characterized by diverse land cover with large ratio of impervious surfaces on which rainfall-runoff is generated extremely fast. This possess high requirements on spatio-temporal resolution of rainfall data needed for reliable runoff predictions. The contribution summarizes results from three-years experiment evaluating reliability of rainfall-runoff simulations at small urban catchment using rainfall observations from Commercial Microwave Links (CMLs). In addition, system for providing real-time CML-based rainfall product at city scale is presented. Finally, sustainability of the CML-based rainfall observation system is discussed with focus on challenges related to the fast development of communication networks.

Primary authors

Vojtech Bares (Czech Technical University in Prague) Martin Fencl (Czech Technical University in Prague) Jaroslav Pastorek (Czech Technical University in Prague) Martin Mudroch (Czech Technical University in Prague) Pavel Pechac (Czech Technical University in Prague)

Presentation materials