Oct 5 – 7, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

The High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) numerical weather prediction model

Oct 5, 2020, 9:20 AM


Oral presentation Towards seamless prediction


David Turner (NOAA Global Systems Laboratory)


The HRRR model is an operational storm-scale numerical weather prediction forecast system that has been updated approximately every 2 years since it was first introduced in 2014. This seminar gives a brief update on the evolution of the HRRR, with a focus of what is new for version 4 which will become the operational model in December 2020. I will also give an update of the future of operational storm-scale modeling in the US as NOAA moves towards a unified forecasting system.

Primary authors

David Turner (NOAA Global Systems Laboratory) Trevor Alcott Curtis Alexander Stan Benjamin John Brown David Dowell Jeff Duda Georg Grell Ming Hu Eric James Isadora Jankov Jaymes Kenyon Terra Ladwig Haidao Lin Joe Olson Tanya Smirnova Steve Weygandt

Presentation materials