Sep 21 – 23, 2015
KIT Campus North
Europe/Berlin timezone


The meeting is taking place at KIT Campus North (KIT-CN), building 401.

A plan can be found here:

In the pdf you can find the building in row 8 on the line separating column B and C.

Note: Access to the site is restricted, you will need your passport at the entrance.


To get from Karlsruhe downtown to KIT-CN you can take:

  • The Public Transport:
    Please visit and click on "Advanced journey planner". The website includes a map of Karlsruhe that can be used to select a stop as the origin. The name of your destination is "Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, KIT-Campus Nord Südtor". It takes roughly 50 minutes from Karlsruhe city (stop "Marktplatz") to KIT-CN including a change from a tram to a bus and it costs 3.30€. Please check the website for a time schedule.
  • The Shuttle:
    We will be organizing a bus from and to Karlsruhe. If you are interested, please contact Sabine Bucher as soon as possible. We need to know the total number of passengers in advance.
    The shuttle will start at Hotel Greif (500 m to the main station, see for the location.) If it turns out that your hotels are clustered in a different part of the city, an intermediate stop on the way to KIT-CN might be possible. Again, we need to know it in advance.
  • A car:
    The address is: Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen. Some driving instructions can be found here: