I will give a glimpse into the training and work life as a German and European patent attorney. After spending nearly 20 years training and working on temporary jobs in academia as a string theorist, in 2018 I decided to change my career path and started my by now completed training as both German and European patent attorney in a small patent law firm. To become a patent attorney, you need a M.Sc. (or equivalent) in a scientific or technological field and then train for at least three more years before completing a set of exams on patents, trademarks, designs and general legal questions such as inventors' rights. In daily life, you talk to inventors, discuss their ideas with them and translate the ideas into a legal language. You help with filing patent applications and the procedural steps to get a patent granted. You also help with protecting your client's interests against competitors. Being a physicist with international experience is ideal for becoming a patent attorney as we are trained on independent thinking and problem solution on a wide variety of topics, and the international patent sector operates to a large extent in English, with Germany being the largest single European patent market/country.
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