The LHeC and the FCC-eh projects study the design of future deep inelastic electron-proton colliders at CERN. In the LHeC, collisions between electrons and protons in the LHC interaction region IR2 will be established in parallel to the standard LHC operation: The e-p collisions will take place simultaneously with the experiments ATLAS, CMS and LHCb, while alternating with the ALICE...
The LHC will be upgraded to a collider with 10 times higher luminosity, the high luminosity (HL)-LHC. One main challenge arising from the upcoming high luminosity, is the large amount of interactions that occur in one proton-proton bunch crossing, and therefore the separation of the interaction of interest from the additional ones (pileup). The insertion of a new timing layer in the upgraded...
The LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN for the reconstruction of hadrons containing $b$ and $c$ quarks produced in proton-proton interactions. Run III of the LHC, which has started earlier this year, will see an increase in collision rates at LHCb by a factor of about five compared to previous runs in the last decade, necessitating a complete redesign of the experiment...
In many new physics extensions of the Standard Model, new mediator particles may decay into a pair of charged particles leaving a unique signature of a displaced vertex and charged tracks. These displaced decay products are an important signature in searches for dark sectors in collider experiments.
The current Belle II trigger algorithm is not designed for events with displaced vertices and...
The Heavy Object Tagger with Variable R (HOTVR) is an algorithm for the clustering and identification of boosted, hadronically decaying, heavy particles. The central feature of the HOTVR algorithm is a vetoed jet clustering with variable distance parameter R, that decreases with increasing transverse momentum of the jet. In this talk, we present improvements to the HOTVR algorithm, replacing...