August 28, 2017 to September 1, 2017
KIT, Campus North, FTU
Europe/Berlin timezone
We are currently updating to the new Indico 2 layout!

Concurrency and Scientific Programming

Aug 31, 2017, 10:40 AM
Aula (FTU)




Dr Graeme Stewart (University of Glasgow)


Modern CPU architectures for scientific computing are characterised by having multiple CPU cores and wide vector registers. Effective use of these features requires different design patterns from those that ran on the single core systems of the past. Instead of serial processing, parallel processing needs to be at the heart of the new model, with many operations proceeding concurrently. In this talk I discuss what that challenge means for scientific code and which programming patterns are most likely to be useful to scientists. I will look at some common libraries used to safely implement concurrency and give some examples from various fields. I will also emphasise the role of memory layout in achieving good throughput in high performance scientific code.

Presentation materials