Helmholtz-Allianz "Physics at the Terascale"

The Helmholtz Alliance “Physics at the Terascale” bundles German activities in the field of high-energy collider physics. It is a network comprising all German research institutes working on LHC experiments, a future linear collider or the related phenomenology - 18 universities, two Helmholtz Centres and one Max Planck Institute. The Alliance includes the following topics: development of new accelerator and detector technologies, methods of data analysis, development of theoretical models and methods and development of the relevant computing infrastructure.

The KIT Center Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics (KCETA) bundles experimental and theoretical research and education at the interface between astronomy, astrophysics, elementary particle physics and cosmology. Large scale international projects for knowledge-driven fundamental research form connecting elements of the various activities. KCETA is a unique platform for studying the smallest building blocks of matter and their interaction as well as their role in the evolution of the largest structures in the Universe.
The Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA) is the Graduate School associated with the KIT Center Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics KCETA, which bundles experimental and theoretical research and education at the interface between astronomy, astrophysics, elementary particle physics and cosmology.

WikiToLearn is a platform for the collaborative creation of textbooks, which are released with the CC-BY-SA license. In December 2013 it joined the KDE Project through its incubation process.

Wir befinden uns mitten in einer digitalen Transformation, die Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft grundlegend umformt. Digital angereicherte Geschäftsmodelle, digitale Konsumenten und digitale Mitarbeiter verlangen andere Methoden, Technologien und Denkweisen als die klassische Welt. Unternehmen müssen handeln, wenn sie weiterhin erfolgreich sein wollen. Inovex versetzen als IT-Dienstleister Kunden in die Lage, auf dem digitalen Spielfeld erfolgreich zu sein - methodisch, technologisch und kulturell.

All modern enterprises strive to be information-driven, to make decisions based on data, not hunches, but getting there isn’t easy. No vendor is better equipped than Cloudera to help you deploy an enterprise data hub powered by Apache Hadoop.

NEC provides IT and network solutions to business enterprises, communications services providers and to government agencies, and has also been the biggest PC vendor in Japan since the 1980s. The company was known as the Nippon Electric Company, Limited, before rebranding in 1983 as just NEC. Its NEC Semiconductors business unit was one of the worldwide top 20 semiconductor sales leaders before merging with Renesas Electronics. NEC is a member of the Sumitomo Group.