Elnaz Azmi (KIT)

Elnaz is a doctoral student in Informatics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology from July 2016. She works at Steinbuch Centre for Computing, department of Scientific Data Management. She received her Master's degree in Computer Engineering-Interactive Systems and Visualization from university of Duisburg-Essen in February 2016. Her work focuses on development of a virtual research environment for water and terrestrial environmental research.
Sebastien Binet (LPC)

Sebastien Binet received his PhD in Particle Physics at the Universite Blaise Pascal on Jet Calibration and Analysis Tools in ATLAS. As a post-doc at LBL, he worked on core issues of the Athena control framework for the ATLAS experiment (monitoring, event size reduction, I/O optimization), and started the work on AthenaMP: the multi-process-based parallelization of Athena. He then worked on multithreaded parallelization aspects, scouted for better suited languages and has fallen in love with Go and its elegant approach to concurrency programming.
Max Fischer (KIT)

Max Fischer is the representative for the ALICE collaboration at GridKa.
At GridKa, he juggles responsibilities for the GridKa HTCondor batch system and XRootD storage services.
Previously, he gained his doctoral degree in particle physics with the CMS collaboration; there, his main focus were calibration studies and the development of new middleware solutions for high-performance, distributed data analysis.
Max has a habit to dabble in a broad range of fields, with a focus on algorithms and software development for data analysis.
With an affiliation to several overlapping domains, he tends to favor efficiency and manageability over specialization and perfection.
When he has to get his hands dirty, his preferred tool of choice is the Python programming language.
With years of experience in script and framework development, Max knows the strength and weaknesses of the language all too well.
Hartmut Häfner (KIT)

Hartmut Häfner is a Software Engineer at Steinbuch centre for Computing (SCC). He is responsible for the middleware (e.g. compilers, MPI, ...) on HPC systems at SCC. In former times he implemented a parallel linear solver called LINSOL as member of the research group 'Numerical Engineering'.
Martin Heck (KIT)

Martin works at the KIT for the Belle experiment, where he coordinates the tracking. The requirements of tracking match the capabilities of C++ very well.
Andreas Herten (FZ Jülich)

Andreas made his PhD as an experimental particle physicist at Forschungszentrum Jülich/Ruhr University Bochum. He investigated the application of graphics processing units (GPUs) for track reconstruction in the online event selection system of the PANDA experiment. After graduating he joined the NVIDIA Application Lab of the Supercomputing Centre of Forschungszentrum Jülich, where he enables scientific applications for GPUs and improves their performances.
Ben Jones (CERN)

Ben Jones is the Service Manager for the Batch Service at CERN, providing a 100K core (and growing) HTCondor pool for physicists, engineers, and the WLCG Grid. Ben has worked at CERN since 2012, previously implementing 'Agile Infrastructure' in order that our toolkit was able to support the ever increasing need for compute. Other interests include Cloud Computing and the various technologies involved in the management of large scale distributed systems.
Mirko Kämpf (Cloudera)

I worked as a independent software developer since 1997 on a distributed search application. Later I added profile matching engine to our existing system, before I started to use Hadoop. During my University studies I started to collect and analyze lots of time series data from experiments. Later, during my research project at University of Halle I combined tools from time series and network analysis domains to provide new methods for complex systems analysis, with application in communication science and economy. Since 2012 I work for Cloudera, currently as Solutions Architect.
Thomas Keck (KIT)

Thomas Keck is a Ph. D. student in Physics at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology in Germany.
As a member of the Belle and Belle II collaboration he is responsible for the development and implementation of multivariate analysis methods in the Belle II Software Framework.
In particular his work is focused on hadronic and semileptonic tagging algorithms, and their application to rare B meson decays. His professional interests include any new technologies in the field of computer science in particular deep learning techniques and their application in physics.
Ivan Kondov (KIT)

Ivan Kondov has acquired PhD in theoretical physics with computational studies of electron transfer processes. He has long experience with scientific computing and simulation and with HPC application development and optimization. Since 2009 he has been leading the Simulation Lab NanoMicro at KIT conducting joint research and development with partners from the nanoscience and material science communities. His current research include workflows for model/data integration, multiscale modeling and simulation, adopting model-driven architecture and service-oriented architecture in computational materials science.
Eileen Kühn (KIT)

Coming soon ...
Mario Lassnig (CERN)

Dr. Mario Lassnig has been working as a Software Engineer at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) since 2006. Within the ATLAS Experiment, he is responsible for many aspects of large-scale distributed data management, database applications, as well as descriptive and predictive analytics for large data samples.
In his previous life, he developed mobile navigation software for public transportation in Vienna at Seibersdorf Research, as well as cryptographic smartcard applications for access control at the University of Klagenfurt. He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Klagenfurt, and a doctoral degree in Computer Science from the University of Innsbruck.
Alexandr Mikula (Czech Academy of Sciences)

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Christoph Petrausch (Inovex GmbH)

During his studies Christoph Petrausch has been working on scheduling multi-tier application based on the current demand with restriction to available compute and network resources. After his studies he operated classical IT infrastructures. Today he builds and operates kubernetes clusters to orchestrate containerized applications for several customers at inovex GmbH. He writes infrastructure related microservices and tools in golang.
Elvin Sindrilaru (CERN)

Elvin is a software engineer in the Data and Storage Services Group at CERN which is responsible for the management and long-term preservation of all data produced by the CERN physics experiments. He received a MSc. degree in Computer Science from Imperial College London in the field of High-Performance Computing. Elvin joined CERN as a research fellow in 2010 working on the ROOT Framework to improve wide-area network I/O performance. He is also involved in developments concerning error-correction codes and providing fault-tolerance to the main CERN disk-based storage system EOS. Another important area of interest for Elvin is providing the required scalability for multi-petabyte systems storing physics data while at the same time streamlining the development process by using container technologies.
Benjamin Stein (Inovex GmbH)

Benjamin Stein works for inovex GmbH as a linux systems engineer. He currently earns his money with projects involving container orchestration, CI/CD and moving infrastructure into the cloud. In his spare time, he finds himself diving into Google's golang.
Graeme Stewart (University of Glasgow)

Graeme is the current ATLAS Offline Software Coordinator, after previously having senior software roles inside the ATLAS experiment of Core Software Coordinator and Future Software Technology Forum Convenor. Graeme has a PhD in Plasma Physics from the University of Glasgow and also worked as a Solar Physicist on the sun's large scale magnetic field configuration at the UNAM in Mexico. Currently his main interest is in modernising ATLAS software towards High Luminosity LHC, though he maintains an active interest in all cool parts of software and computing for particle physics.
David Walz (RWTH Aachen)

David's research interest are ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and the question of their origin.
He spent his PhD writing a simulation framework for cosmic rays, and using measurements of the Pierre Auger Observatory to constrain source models with Bayesian analyses and Markov-chain MC methods.
As a post-doc he followed on his long-held excitement for artificial neural networks.
He is now working on their applications in astroparticle physics and tries to pass along his excitement in a master course on deep learning.
Bas Wegh (KIT)

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