Sep 25 – 27, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Nonleptonic B-decays at NNLO

Sep 26, 2024, 11:55 AM
EBI Hörsaal (KIT)

EBI Hörsaal


Engler-Bunte-Ring 1-7 76131 Karlsruhe


Manuel Egner (KIT TTP)


The decay of B mesons can be predicted within the Heavy Quark Expansion as the decay of a free bottom quark plus corrections which are suppressed by powers of $1/m_b$. This talk describes the calculation of the NNLO QCD corrections to nonleptonic decays of a free bottom quark including charm quark mass effects. In particular I will outline the challenges in connection to the computation of master integrals, the renormalization of the effective operators and the problems which arise from calculating traces with $\gamma_5$ in $d$ dimensions.

Primary author

Manuel Egner (KIT TTP)

Presentation materials