KIT-NEP '19 - Theory Challenges in Higher-Order NEw Physics Calculations
We thank all participants for making the workshop a success.
In view of the role change of the Higgs boson from the long-desired discovery object of our HEP dreams to a precision dissecting tool in our burning search for New Physics, the need for precision predictions of Higgs observables at the LHC has become a common lore and sine-qua-non by now.
Therefore higher-order corrections, both QCD and electroweak, have become indispensable. The computation of the higher-order corrections in beyond-the-Standard-Model extensions, in particular in the electroweak sector, faces challenges that are special compared to usual Standard Model calculations.
Such challenges are - to name only a few of them -
- gauge dependences of higher-order corrections
- the search for suitable renormalization schemes
- higher-order corrections blowing up in specific corners of the parameter space
- parametrically enhanced higher-order corrections
- symmetries of the models and their relation wrt higher-order corrections
- proper decoupling of heavy resonances
- …
We organize this workshop to discuss these challenges, to pin down the problems to the correct questions to be asked and to aim for their solution. The workshop is aimed to set the scene by a few keynote talks in combination with a selection of registered talks and to provide - importantly - enough room for in-depth discussions of the various challenges that we face.
Confirmed speakers include:
The local organizing committee is looking forward to your participation:
Margarete Mühlleitner, Seraina Glaus, Marcel Krause, Stefan Liebler, Shruti Patel
This workshop is supported by KCETA and the CRC TRR 257: