Sep 7 – 11, 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

Contribution List

52 / 52
9/7/15, 11:00 AM
UNICORE Summit 2015
UNICORE Summit 2015 homepage

The UNICORE Summit is the annual meeting of the UNICORE community. It provides a unique opportunity for UNICORE users, developers, administrators, researchers, service providers, and managers to meet.

Participate to share your experience, present recent and planned developments, learn about the latest...
Prof. Achim Streit (KIT-SCC) (KIT-SCC)
9/7/15, 2:00 PM
Dr Thomas Hartmann (SCC)
9/7/15, 2:30 PM
Dr Paul Millar (DESY)
9/7/15, 2:45 PM
Plenary Talks
Software-Defined Storage
Dr Martin Heck (KIT/EKP)
9/8/15, 1:00 PM
Programming Techniques
Programming Templates
Mr Mirko Kämpf (Cloudera)
9/9/15, 1:00 PM
This tutorial is limited to 12 participants. Another session of this tutorial is also available

The workshop Spark in Scientific Applications covers fundamentale development and data analysis techniques using Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. Beside an introduction into the theoretical background about...
Mr Kaempf Mirko (Cloudera)
9/10/15, 1:00 PM
This tutorial is limited to 12 participants. Another session of this tutorial is also available

The workshop Spark in Scientific Applications covers fundamentale development and data analysis techniques using Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. Beside an introduction into the theoretical background about...
Dr Thomas Hartmann (SCC)
9/11/15, 11:00 AM
Joint the SAP CodeJam on Friday for hands-on experiance!

SAP CodeJam is a 5 to 6 hour hands-on coding and networking event where attendees share their knowledge and collaboratively develop with SAP technologies, platforms, and tools in a fun and casual environment. The events are developer community focused, supported by SAP, and...