9/7/15, 11:00 AM
UNICORE Summit 2015
UNICORE Summit 2015 homepage
The UNICORE Summit is the annual meeting of the UNICORE community. It provides a unique opportunity for UNICORE users, developers, administrators, researchers, service providers, and managers to meet.
Participate to share your experience, present recent and planned developments, learn about the latest...
Achim Streit (KIT-SCC)
9/7/15, 2:00 PM
David Kelsey
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,)
9/7/15, 4:00 PM
Plenary Talks
Unused IPv4 network addresses are a scarce resource. The
deployment of IPv6 networking across the world is well underway. Some
large IT distributed infrastructures, such as the Worldwide Large Hadron
Collider Computing Grid, are starting to deploy dual-stack IPv6/IPv4
services to support IPv6-only clients. New networking protocols, such as
IPv6, always bring new challenges for operational...
Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain))
9/7/15, 4:45 PM
Plenary Talks
Our society has benefited from Space exploration in many ways. Many of the inventions we use nowadays have their origin in or have been improved by Space research. Computer Science is not an exception.
This talk will introduce the application of Cloud Computing done by the speaker in the context of different Mars missions: Mars MetNet (Spain-Russia-Finland), MSL Curiosity (NASA) and...
Danah Tonne
9/8/15, 9:00 AM
Plenary Talks
The long-term preservation of information is a crucial requirement for
scientific progress in every research community. In former times hammer
and chisel were the tools of choice to preserve the cultural heritage,
nowadays the digital world introduces additional and novel challenges.
Obsolete formats and technologies, a quick decay of storage media or power
outages are just a few examples...
Peer Hasselmeyer
9/8/15, 9:40 AM
Data Center Management
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a paradigm shift in the networking domain. It has recently become a hot topic and it is expected to change the way we think about networks and how we architect them. In this talk we will look at what SDN is, how it can be realized, and what the impact on networking, mainly in the data center, is. The SDN architecture will be explained, the abstractions used...
Engelbert Quack
(SAP SE, Head of Consulting Area Data & Technology)
9/8/15, 10:40 AM
Plenary Talks
How does the Digital Transformation change business models and which new business models arise? How do processes and business segments have to change and what is the role of IT within this development? To answer these questions we will look at the new technologies in a comprehensive way with a special focus on Big Data.
Get to know SAP as the global market leader for business software and...
Jürgen Krebs
(Hitachi Data Systems)
9/8/15, 11:20 AM
Big Data
Big Data ist eines der treibenden Themen unserer Zeit. Wie sieht jedoch die Praxis aus?
HDS versucht in ihrem Vortrag den Spagat zwischen Theorie und der realen Anwendung zu schlagen.
Felice Pantaleo
9/8/15, 1:00 PM
Programming Techniques
While the computing community is racing to build tools and libraries to
ease the use of heterogeneous parallel computing systems, effective and
confident use of these systems will always require knowledge about the
low-level programming interfaces in these systems.
This workshop is designed to introduce the CUDA programming language,
through examples and hands-on exercises so as...
Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain))
9/8/15, 1:00 PM
Never been into Cloud Computing before? Do you think that an extra computing power is crucial for your research? Do you have some neat parallel codes that your institution doesn’t allow you to execute because the cluster is full? Maybe this tutorial is for you!
The tutorial will cover the following topics:
- Infrastructure as a Service clouds (user level) with <a...
Ben Jones
(CERN (CH)), Mr
Sven Sternberger
(DESY), Mr
Yves Kemp
9/8/15, 1:00 PM
Data Center Management
Puppet is a configuration management tool adopted by many institutions in academia and industry of different size. Puppet can be used to configure many different operating systems and applications. Puppet integrates well with other tools e.g. Foreman, MCollective, ...
The workshop will feature a hands-on tutorial on Puppet allowing users to write simple manifests themselves and managing...
The workshop will feature a hands-on tutorial on Puppet allowing users to write simple manifests themselves and managing...
9/8/15, 6:30 PM
Social evening with Tarte Flambee, beer and drinks in the courtyard of building 30.22
9/8/15, 6:30 PM
For interested participants, we are organizing a short excursion to the SCC computing center at Campus South
Björn-Martin Sinnhuber
9/9/15, 9:00 AM
Plenary Talks
Climate change as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases is a global scale challenge for
today's society and future generations. Climate model simulations are important tools to test our
scientific knowledge of the processes involved, and to provide projections of future changes and their
impacts. After a general introduction this talk will focus on recent advances in...
Elvin Sindrilaru
9/9/15, 9:40 AM
Linux containers (LXC) is a technology that provides operating system-level virtualisation not via a virtual machines but rather by using a single kernel to run multiple instances on the same OS. Linux namespaces and control groups (cgroups) represent the foundation on which LXC are built. Containers are fast to deploy, they introduce no overhead or indirection as in the case of traditional...
Clemens Düpmeier
9/9/15, 10:40 AM
Plenary Talks
Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana, known as the ELK stack, are three open source projects designed to ship, parse, search, analyze and visualize data, from Apache logs to Twitter streams. The Web-based Information Systems (WebIS) group of the Institute for Applied Computer Science (IAI) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) uses the ELK stack in different large scale web information...
Mirko Kämpf
9/9/15, 1:00 PM
This tutorial is limited to 12 participants. Another session of this tutorial is also available
The workshop Spark in Scientific Applications covers fundamentale development and data analysis techniques using Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. Beside an introduction into the theoretical background about...
Diana Gudu
9/9/15, 1:00 PM
Big Data
Ceph is an open-source, software-defined distributed storage system that strives to achieve scalability and reliability through an innovative decentralised design.
Distributed file systems nowadays face multiple challenges: scaling to peta-byte capacity and providing high performance, while protecting against failures. Moreover, file systems should be able to adapt to dynamic...
Graeme Stewart
9/9/15, 1:00 PM
Programming Techniques
In this course we will introduce how to program for concurrency in
C++, taking advantage of modern CPUs ability to run multi-threaded
programs on different CPU cores. Firstly, we will explore the new
concurrency features of C++11 itself, which will also serve as a
general introduction to multi-threaded programming. Students will
learn the basics of asynchronous execution, thread...
Elvin Sindrilaru
9/9/15, 1:00 PM
Linux containers (LXC) is a technology that provides operating system-level virtualisation not via a virtual machines but rather by using a single kernel to run multiple instances on the same OS. Linux namespaces and control groups (cgroups) represent the foundation on which LXC are built. Containers are fast to deploy, they introduce no overhead or indirection as in the case of traditional...
Kajorn Pathomkeerati
Samuel Ambroj Perez
9/9/15, 1:00 PM
Data Center Management
Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana, known as the ELK stack, are three open source projects designed to ship, parse, search, analyse and visualize your data, from Apache logs to Twitter streams. A short description of the components is the following:
- Logstash allows you to ship and parse your data using a great variety of plugins. It is highly scalable.
- Elasticsearch is a...
9/9/15, 1:00 PM
Second session of the puppet workshop.
For details, please see the description of the first session
Eileen Kühn
9/9/15, 1:00 PM
Data Analysis
The R programming language is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is widely used among statisticians and data miners.
But especially the huge variety of available packages will make the introduction into daily business far from easy. This tutorial focuses on using R for large amounts of data. It deals with three different topics: managing data,...
But especially the huge variety of available packages will make the introduction into daily business far from easy. This tutorial focuses on using R for large amounts of data. It deals with three different topics: managing data,...
Mirko Kaempf
9/10/15, 9:00 AM
Plenary Talks
Apache Spark is known as the "Next Generation Framework" of Hadoop based data processing. Why, and what Apache Spark offers to the scientific community is explained in this talk. The convergence of different analysis techniques into one flexible and highly efficient processing engine allows completely new interdisciplinary analysis methods beside cheap analysis prototypes. In this presentation...
Oliver Oberst
9/10/15, 9:40 AM
Plenary Talks
Since 2013 the OpenPower Foundation grew steadily to over 130 Members so far. The goal of the OpenPower Foundation is to enable a joint development and integration of different technologies around the IBM Power CPU architecture to speed up innovation. Within the foundation, Technical computing (HPC, HTC) is a focus topic for several members like NVIDIA, Mellanox, IBM and others to enable...
Daniel Lee
9/10/15, 10:40 AM
Plenary Talks
The German Weather Service (DWD) provides a wide variety of services for
the protection of life and property in the form of weather and climate
information. One core task is safeguarding aviation, marine safety and
terrestrial traffic. Another is warning before meteorological events
that could endanger public safety and order. Additionally, we monitor
the climate and are active in...
Peter Wittenburg
9/10/15, 11:20 AM
Plenary Talks
Even examples from Psycholinguistics – a humanities discipline – show that data intensive science is changing all scientific disciplines dramatically posing unprecedented challenges in data management and processing. A recent survey in Europe showed clearly that most of the research departments are not prepared for this step and that the methods that are used to manage, curate and process data...
Matthias Reuter
(Inovex), Mr
Tim Roes
9/10/15, 1:00 PM
Programming Techniques
This workshop will focus on creating modern web applications and store their data into the cloud.
AngularJS is a framework that has been growing popular during the last years, due to its flexibility,
its power to build rich web applications and yet its ease to use.
During this workshop we will build a web application from scratch and we'll connect it to the cloud
to easily sync your...
Kaempf Mirko
9/10/15, 1:00 PM
Data Analysis
This tutorial is limited to 12 participants. Another session of this tutorial is also available
The workshop Spark in Scientific Applications covers fundamentale development and data analysis techniques using Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. Beside an introduction into the theoretical background about...
Massimo Torquati
(Universita di Pisa)
9/10/15, 1:00 PM
Programming Techniques
FastFlow is an open-source C++ research framework to support the development of multi-threaded
applications in modern multi/many-core heterogeneous platforms.
The framework provides well-known stream-based algorithm skeleton constructs such as pipeline, task-
farm and loop that are used to build more complex and powerful pattern: parallel_for, map, reduce,
macro-data-flow interpreter,...
Marek Szuba
Parinaz Ameri
9/10/15, 1:00 PM
Big Data
This session is an introduction to a particular NoSQL database, MongoDB.
MongoDB is an open-source database with document-oriented storage approach. Since it doesn’t enforce any schema on data and because of its good performance, Mongo is nowadays widely used especially where unstructured data storage is needed. In addition, Mongo scales well and even provides partitioning over cluster of...
Manuel Giffels
9/10/15, 1:00 PM
Data Analysis
Python is a high-level dynamic object-oriented programming language. It is easy to learn, intuitive, well documented, very readable and extremely powerful. Python is packaged with an impressive standard library following the so called "batteries included" philosophy. Together with the large number of additional available scientific packages like NumPy, SciPy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn,...
Bredel Michael
(FH Kufstein)
9/10/15, 1:00 PM
Data Center Management
Today’s communication networks are designed around the original
mechanisms of Ethernet and TCP/IP. Because of the success of these early
technologies, networks grew bigger and more complex, which led to a need
for more complex control options, such as VLANs and ACLs. A variety of
heterogeneous network appliances such as firewalls, load balancers, IDS,
optimizers, and so on, each implement...
Johannes Scheuermann
9/10/15, 1:00 PM
Data Center Management
Running traditional data centers, engineers have to face many challenges, such
as running multiple different workloads. In this workshop we will have a look at
such a data center and identify the challenges that have to be faced when using
these architectures. After this we look at a basic use case and implement it for
a traditional data center. In the next step we will have a look at...
Damien Lecarpentier
9/11/15, 9:00 AM
Plenary Talks
This talk will provide an overview of the EUDAT initiative which has laid out the foundation of a new Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) providing solutions for finding, sharing, preserving and performing computations with primary and secondary research data on a pan-European level. By addressing the accelerated proliferation of data and the resulting challenges faced by the research...
Florian Prill
9/11/15, 10:15 AM
Simulation in numerical weather prediction and climate forecasting has a fast-growing demand for memory capacity and processing speed. For the last decade, however, computer technology has shifted towards multi-core chip designs while at the same time on-chip clock rates have increased only moderately. The parallel implementation of DWD's operational forecast model ICON therefore follows a...
Henrik Leddin
9/11/15, 1:00 PM
Big Data
This hands-on IBM SPSS Data Mining Workshop is an instructor-led session using IBM’s data mining and predictive modeling software and is designed for those who are familiar with predictive analytics. Through this workshop you will experience first hand how IBM SPSS Modeler works and how easy it is to implement predictive analytics.
Introduction in Predictive Analytics
Exercise: IBM...
Johannes Scheuermann
9/11/15, 1:00 PM
Data Center Management
This is an additional session for deepening the tutorial on SDDC
basic knowledge of SDDCs as presented in the general tutorial are required
Elvin Sindrilaru
Linux containers (LXC) is a technology that provides operating system-level virtualisation not via a virtual machines but rather by using a single kernel to run multiple instances on the same OS. Linux namespaces and control groups (cgroups) represent the foundation on which LXC are built. Containers are fast to deploy, they introduce no overhead or indirection as in the case of traditional...
Joint the SAP CodeJam on Friday for hands-on experiance!
SAP CodeJam is a 5 to 6 hour hands-on coding and networking event where attendees share their knowledge and collaboratively develop with SAP technologies, platforms, and tools in a fun and casual environment. The events are developer community focused, supported by SAP, and...