Plenary Talk Speakers
Clemens Düpmeier (KIT/IAI) Dr. Clemens Düpmeier leads as senior researcher the research group "Web-based Information Systems" at the Institute of Applied Computer Science (IAI) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is also lecturer at the Cooperative State University Baden-Württemberg (DHBW Karlsruhe) where he teaches classes in databases, operating systems and distributed systems. He holds a diploma in Mathematics from the Ruhr University Bochum and a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Koblenz, Germany. |
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Peer Hasselmeyer (NEC) Peer Hasselmeyer has many years of experience in the fields of distributed computing, software-defined networking, and service-oriented architecture. He received a MS degree in Computer Science from the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, and a Ph.D. from the Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany. Peer has been contributing to NEC’s research and development activities on OpenFlow, SDN, NFV, cloud computing, and data center and service management in various roles for more than six years. He published numerous research papers in international conferences and magazines, and is a frequent speaker at conferences and exhibitions. |
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Jürgen A. Krebs (Hitachi) Jürgen A. Krebs ist seit Juli 2004 bei Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) tätig und verantwortet seit 2007 den Bereich des Business Development in Deutschland. |
Mirko Kämpf (Cloudera) | ||
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David Kelsey (RAL) David Kelsey leads the Particle Physics Computing Group at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. In addition to the provision of data storage and computing for RAL and HEP more generally, he has over many years had various security and networking responsibilities within worldwide HEP computing and Computing Grids (GridPP, WLCG, EGEE and EGI). Today he leads the HEPiX IPv6 working group and also leads the development of security policy for both EGI and WLCG.
Damien LeCarpentier (EUDAT) Damien Lecarpentier is a Director at CSC, the Finnish IT Center for Science, and currently manages the EUDAT initiative ( which aims to build a pan-European sustainable, cross-disciplinary and cross-national data infrastructure providing a set of shared services to access and preserve research data. Damien has an MA in Political Science and a PhD in Social Sciences from the Advanced School of Social Sciences in Paris. He joined CSC in 2009 as coordinator for international activities and was involved as work package and task leader in several FP7-funded projects in the areas of grids (EGI_DS), HPC (DEISA2, PRACE, EESI) and e-Infrastructure policy (e-IRGSP2, e-Infranet). |
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Daniel Lee (DWD) Daniel Lee completed his studies of physical geography with an emphasis on environmental systems and satellite remote sensing at the University of Marburg. After founding and directing International Solar Information Solutions, a company which produced regional, roof surface specific forecasts of solar panel productivity, he entered the public sector as a research associate for grid integration of renewable energies at the German Weather Service (DWD). Currently he leads DWD's group for meteorological codes and central data acquisition and is active in several open source projects in his free time. |
Paul Millar (DESY)
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Oliver Oberst (IBM)
Klaus Manny ist Referatsleiter für den Technisch-organisatorischen Datenschutz, Medien, Internet, Telekommunikation und E-Government beim Landesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz Baden-Württemberg. Als Medizinischer Informatiker und Mathematiker war er lange Zeit in der Privatwirtschaft tätig. |
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Florian Prill (DWD) Florian has been a member of DWD's meteorological analysis and modelling department since 2011. He works on the global atmosphere model ICON, with a particular interest in the model's capability to scale on massively parallel computer architectures. Prior to joining the weather service, Florian undertook doctoral research on discontinuous Galerkin methods at the DLR Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology. He completed his PhD in 2010. |
Dr. Engelbert Quack (SAP) Engelbert Quack is Head of SAP's Consulting Area Data and Technology, the core consulting unit combining SAP's Analytics, Platform Technology and Mobile skills. |
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Elvin Sindrilaru (CERN) Elvin is a software engineer in the Data and Storage Services Group at CERN which is responsible for the management and long-term preservation of all data produced by the CERN physics experiments. He received a MSc. degree in Computer Science from Imperial College London in the field of High-Performance Computing. Elvin joined CERN as a research fellow in 2010 working on the ROOT Framework to improve wide-area network I/O performance. He is also involved in developments concerning error-correction codes and providing fault-tolerance to the main CERN disk-based storage system EOS. Another important area of interest for Elvin is providing the required scalability for multi-petabyte systems storing physics data while at the same time streamlining the development process by using container technologies. |
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Björn-Martin Sinnhuber (KIT/IMK-ASF) Björn-Martin Sinnhuber works as a researcher at the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). His scientific work focuses on atmospheric physics, interactions between atmospheric chemistry and climate, and numerical modelling. In addition to his expertise in chemistry-climate modelling, Björn-Martin also has a strong interest in observational programmes, e.g. as PI of the POLSTRACC aircraft campaign to study atmospheric physics and chemistry in the polar stratosphere in a changing climate. |
Achim Streit (KIT) Achim Streit is the director of the Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) and at the same time professor for computer science at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) since mid-2010. Achim is the lead PI of the German Helmholtz Association’ project Large Scale Data Management and Analysis (LSDMA), which is about fostering data-intensive science in Germany through Data Life Cycle Labs and generic methods research and which involves in total 11 partners. Achim coordinated the German NGI and represented it in the Council until the end of 2014. His research interests are in federated data management, resource management, scheduling and brokerage for parallel and distributed high performance systems. |
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Danah Tonne (KIT) Danah studied mathematics at the Leibniz University of Hannover and joined KIT after finishing her master's degree. At KIT's Institute for Data Processing and Electronics she is working on a project for a sustainable preservation infrastructure for the arts and humanities (DARIAH: Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities). The DARIAH-DE project is the national contribution to the DARIAH-EU project within ESFRI. |
Peter Wittenburg (RDA)After finishing the Diplom-Ingenieur Degree in Electrical Engineering at the Technical University Berlin in 1974 with computer science and digital signal processing as main topics, Wittenburg started working as research assistant setting up a center for control computation at TUB. In 1976 he became head of the technical group at the newly founded Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics. |
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Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti Dr. Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti is Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Computer Architecture at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), and a Cloud Computing Researcher at the Distributed Systems Architecture Research Group. He has been directly involved in EU funded projects, such as EGEE (Grid Computing) and 4CaaSt (PaaS Cloud), as well as many Spanish national initiatives. From 2005 to 2009 his research focused in application porting onto Grid Computing infrastructures, activity that let him be "where the real action was". These applications pertained to a wide range of areas, from Fusion Physics to Bioinformatics. During this period he achieved the abilities needed for profiling applications and making them benefit of distributed computing infrastructures. Additionally, he shared these abilities in many training events organized within the EGEE Project and similar initiatives. Since 2010 his research interests lie in different aspects of Cloud Computing, but always having real life applications in mind, specially those pertaining to the High Performance Computing domain. This allowed him to be involved with applications pertaining to an even wider range of areas, from Agricultural Monitoring to Mars Missions. |