Sep 7 – 11, 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

ElasticSearch and the ELK stack for monitoring and data analysis

Sep 9, 2015, 10:40 AM
Gaede HS (Building 30.22)

Gaede HS

Building 30.22

Plenary Talks Plenary talks


Dr Clemens Düpmeier (KIT/IAI)


Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana, known as the ELK stack, are three open source projects designed to ship, parse, search, analyze and visualize data, from Apache logs to Twitter streams. The Web-based Information Systems (WebIS) group of the Institute for Applied Computer Science (IAI) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) uses the ELK stack in different large scale web information system projects as central components for data aggregation, analysis and search driven data access. Therefore, besides giving a rough overview on ELK features, this talk will explore possibilities and scenarios of using the ELK stack in web applications like community web portals, environmental information systems, smart energy management systems, or for log data analysis. Common data storage and analysis capabilities of ElasticSearch will be explained and examples given, how the ELK stack could be (programmatically) integrated into own software solutions.

Primary author

Dr Clemens Düpmeier (KIT/IAI)

Presentation materials